Faroes Diplomatic Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Faroes Diplomatic Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Faroes Diplomatic Handbook  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Faroes Diplomatic Handbook...

Medieval Ireland: Territorial, Political and Economic Divisions

  Medieval Ireland: Territorial, Political and Economic Divisions  Paul MacCotter  Paul MacCotter  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Paul MacCotter...

Grace Kelly

Glenn Hopp

  Grace Kelly  Glenn Hopp  Taschen.   Movie Icons.   The top female box-office star of 1954, Grace Kelly's status as icon takes in an 11-film, three-year, screen career and a glamorous later life as Princess of Monaco. More than any other star, she was in three memorable films the quintessential Hitchcock blonde, delineating traits of cool beauty, depths of hidden passion, intelligence, playfulness, and style - in short, the qualities that led biographer James Spada to call her Taschen. Movie Icons. The top female box-office star of 1954, Grace Kelly's status as icon takes in an 11-film, three-year, screen career and a glamorous later life as Princess of Monaco. More than any other star, she was in three memorable films the quintessential Hitchcock blonde, delineating traits of cool beauty, depths of hidden passion, intelligence, playfulness, and style - in short, the qualities that led biographer James Spada to call her "the pious man's Marilyn." Yet Grace Kelly also showed her versatility and won her acting honors for playing against type in the title role in the grimly realistic movie "The Country Girl". Grace Kelly was a classic beauty, a public figure, and serious actress representative of an era. "The Movie Icon" series: People talk about Hollywood glamour, about studios that had more stars than there are in heaven, about actors who weren't actors but were icons. Other people talk about these things, Taschen shows you. "Movie Icons" is a series of photo books that feature......

Одиннадцать бесед о современной русской прозе

  Одиннадцать бесед о современной русской прозе  Новое литературное обозрение.   Книгу составили беседы финско-шведской журналистки и переводчицы Кристины Роткирх с известными российскими писателями - Б.Акуниным, Е.Гришковцом, Э.Лимоновым, Ю.Мамлеевым, В.Пелевиным, Л. Петрушевской, Н.Садур, В.Сорокиным, Т.Толстой, Л.Улицкой, М.Шишкиным.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Новое литературное обозрение. Книгу составили беседы финско-шведской журналистки и переводчицы Кристины Роткирх с известными российскими писателями - Б.Акуниным, Е.Гришковцом, Э.Лимоновым, Ю.Мамлеевым, В.Пелевиным, Л. Петрушевской, Н.Садур, В.Сорокиным, Т.Толстой, Л.Улицкой, М.Шишкиным....

101 Glimpses of New Haven

Colin M. Caplan

  101 Glimpses of New Haven  Colin M. Caplan  Located along the northern shore of scenic Long Island Sound, New Haven is perhaps best known for its diverse architectural history (it boasts every American style) and as an intellectual capital the city vied with Hartford to establish Yale University within its borders. In this pictorial history, Colin Caplan, author of A Guide to Historic New Haven, Connecticut and New Haven: Then and Now offers readers a glimpse into the character, elegance and bustle that define the city.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Located along the northern shore of scenic Long Island Sound, New Haven is perhaps best known for its diverse architectural history (it boasts every American style) and as an intellectual capital the city vied with Hartford to establish Yale University within its borders. In this pictorial history, Colin Caplan, author of A Guide to Historic New Haven, Connecticut and New Haven: Then and Now offers readers a glimpse into the character, elegance and bustle that define the city....

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Faroes Diplomatic Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library). Ibp Usa . Книги.

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