Discover Chocolate: The Ultimate Guide to Buying, Tasting, and Enjoying Fine Chocolate

Clay Gordon

  Discover Chocolate: The Ultimate Guide to Buying, Tasting, and Enjoying Fine Chocolate  Clay Gordon  Gotham.   There's a difference between a chocoholic and a chocophile, and Clay Gordon is decidedly in the latter category. It's not enough for him to simply love this rich indulgence; he is equally addicted to the finer points of choosing it, just as a wine aficionado enjoys researching different varietals and developing a taste for particularly fine ones. In Discover Chocolate, Gordon opens a world that extends far beyond cookbooks and coffee-table books that feature assorted gooey shots. Yes, his primer is packed with more than a hundred gorgeous photographs of chocolate and truffles, but this is a guide that also includes a handy rating system, a field guide for discerning among different types and styles of chocolates, an overview of how cacao becomes chocolate (including maps of where cacao is grown), advice for pairing chocolate and wine, and, perhaps most important of all, how and where to shop for the best chocolate in the world. A little knowledge can be a dangerous...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Gotham. There's a difference between a chocoholic and a chocophile, and Clay Gordon is decidedly in the latter category. It's not enough for him to simply love this rich indulgence; he is equally addicted to the finer points of choosing it, just as a wine aficionado enjoys researching different varietals and developing a taste for particularly fine ones. In Discover Chocolate, Gordon opens a world that extends far beyond cookbooks and coffee-table books that feature assorted gooey shots. Yes, his primer is packed with more than a hundred gorgeous photographs of chocolate and truffles, but this is a guide that also includes a handy rating system, a field guide for discerning among different types and styles of chocolates, an overview of how cacao becomes chocolate (including maps of where cacao is grown), advice for pairing chocolate and wine, and, perhaps most important of all, how and where to shop for the best chocolate in the world. A little knowledge can be a dangerous......

История государства Российского. В трех книгах. Тома I - IV

Н. М. Карамзин

  История государства Российского. В трех книгах. Тома I - IV  Н. М. Карамзин  Золотая аллея.   Главный труд историка и общественного деятеля Н. М. Карамзина - произведение Золотая аллея. Главный труд историка и общественного деятеля Н. М. Карамзина - произведение "История государства Российского" - сыграло большую роль в русском обществе. Самые разные мнения были об этой книге в XIX веке. В наши дни интерес к ней возродился вновь. В настоящую книгу вошли первые четыре тома "Истории государства Российского", рассказывающие о событиях на территории России с первых упоминаний о славянах до 1362 года....

The Fishing Fanatic: Quotes and Brags from Experts and Wags (Fanatic)

  The Fishing Fanatic: Quotes and Brags from Experts and Wags (Fanatic)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

Your Performing Edge: The Total Mind-body Program for Excellence in Sports, Business and Life

Jo Ann Dahlkoetter

  Your Performing Edge: The Total Mind-body Program for Excellence in Sports, Business and Life  Jo Ann Dahlkoetter  Pulgas Ridge Press.   -  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Pulgas Ridge Press. -...

Exploring Science and Belief (Questions of Faith)

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Discover Chocolate: The Ultimate Guide to Buying, Tasting, and Enjoying Fine Chocolate. Clay Gordon . Книги.

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