Даосские целительные звуки

Э. И. Гоникман

  Даосские целительные звуки  Э. И. Гоникман  Велигор.   Терапия сомоспасения.   В своей новой книге Велигор. Терапия сомоспасения. В своей новой книге "Даосские целительные звуки" известная в стране и за ее пределами Э.И.Гоникман знакомит своих читателей с целебной силой звука и его возможностями. Подробно излагаются звуковые лечебные методы даосов, основанные на натурфилософии Древнего Китая, определяются профилактические меры и круг заболеваний, поддающихся исцелению с их помощью. Предлагаются наиболее эффективные тибетские системы оздоровления, основанные на вибрационной волновой силе звука. Впервые в мире автором делается попытка использовать силу звука в сочетании с жестовыми комбинациями, которые могут быть использованы глухонемыми людьми. Книга рассчитана на всех, желающих использовать эффект силы звука для нравственного и физического оздоровления....

The CPM Gold Yearbook 2007 (Wiley Trading)

CPM Group

  The CPM Gold Yearbook 2007 (Wiley Trading)  CPM Group  THE CPM GOLD YEARBOOK 2OO7 Gold is often bought as protection against various economic, financial, and political risks?ranging from inflation and currency market fluctuations to war and crises at financial institutions. But to truly understand the full range of this commodity, you need information that only The CPM Gold Yearbook 2007 can provide. CPM Group is the world's premier precious metals and commodities research and consulting company. Now, with The CPM Gold Yearbook 2007, Wall Street's top commodity research firm provides you with authoritative reference data, analysis, and yearly projections for the world's most important precious metal. This invaluable resource contains a wealth of information for investors and traders who need to make fully informed investment decisions with regard to this commodity. Topics discussed range from the supply and demand fundamentals of gold to emerging trading and investment opportunities for this commodity. ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин THE CPM GOLD YEARBOOK 2OO7 Gold is often bought as protection against various economic, financial, and political risks?ranging from inflation and currency market fluctuations to war and crises at financial institutions. But to truly understand the full range of this commodity, you need information that only The CPM Gold Yearbook 2007 can provide. CPM Group is the world's premier precious metals and commodities research and consulting company. Now, with The CPM Gold Yearbook 2007, Wall Street's top commodity research firm provides you with authoritative reference data, analysis, and yearly projections for the world's most important precious metal. This invaluable resource contains a wealth of information for investors and traders who need to make fully informed investment decisions with regard to this commodity. Topics discussed range from the supply and demand fundamentals of gold to emerging trading and investment opportunities for this commodity. ......

First Year Nurse: Wisdom, Warnings, and What I Wish I'd Known My First 100 Days

Barbara Arnoldussen

  First Year Nurse: Wisdom, Warnings, and What I Wish I'd Known My First 100 Days  Barbara Arnoldussen  Features: *Valuable advice and personal accounts from experienced nurses *Tips on subjects from time management to avoiding burnout  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Features: *Valuable advice and personal accounts from experienced nurses *Tips on subjects from time management to avoiding burnout...

Fruits Basket, Volume 1

Natsuki Takaya

  Fruits Basket, Volume 1  Natsuki Takaya  Tohru Honda was an orphan when one day fate kicked her out of the house and on to land belonging to the mysterious Sohma family. After stumbling upon the teenage squatter, the Sohmas invite Tohru to stay in their house in exchange for cooking and cleaning. Everything goes well until she discovers the Sohma family's secret, when hugged by members of the opposite sex, they turn into their Chinese Zodiac animal!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Tohru Honda was an orphan when one day fate kicked her out of the house and on to land belonging to the mysterious Sohma family. After stumbling upon the teenage squatter, the Sohmas invite Tohru to stay in their house in exchange for cooking and cleaning. Everything goes well until she discovers the Sohma family's secret, when hugged by members of the opposite sex, they turn into their Chinese Zodiac animal!...

Undue Influence: How the Wall Street Elite Puts the Financial System at Risk

Charles R. Geisst

  Undue Influence: How the Wall Street Elite Puts the Financial System at Risk  Charles R. Geisst  A critical look at over 80 years of conflict, collusion, and corruption between financiers and politicians Undue Influence paints a vivid portrait of the dealings between A critical look at over 80 years of conflict, collusion, and corruption between financiers and politicians Undue Influence paints a vivid portrait of the dealings between "the few", in this case members of Congress, the banking community, and the Fed, and sheds light on how radical new deregulatory measures could be introduced by unelected officials and then foisted upon Congress in the name of progress. In the process, the background of the new financial elite is examined-because they are markedly different than their predecessors of the 1920s and 1930s. Undue Influence also brings readers up to speed on other important issues, including how the financial elite has been able to perpetuate itself, how the markets lend themselves to these special interest groups, and how it is possible that after 80 years of financial regulation and regulatory bodies the same problems of financial malfeasance and fraud still plague the markets. Charles R. Geisst (Oradell, NJ) is the......

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Даосские целительные звуки. Э. И. Гоникман . Книги.

Махачкала, Кострома, Самара, Ангарск, Артём, НижнийНовгород, Альметьевск, Мытищи, Нижний Тагил, Нальчик, Благовещенск, Люберцы, Санкт-Петербург, Старый Оскол, Москва, Уссурийск, Щёлково, Старый Оскол, Москва , Майкоп, Иркутск, Первоуральск, Волгоград, Москв, Архангельск, ВеликийНовгород, Коломна, Северодвинск,
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