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Blueprint for Success Ken Blanchard, Stephen R. Covey, Margaret Page, Frank Prince, Suzanne Evans, Greg Gillum, Julie Malo
When we see the word blueprint we usually think of a technical drawing or other image rendered as white lines on a blue background produced by an architect. A blueprint is a detailed plan of action and everyone should develop a blueprint in order to plan for success in life. The men and women in this book have, in interesting and innovative ways, developed their own blueprints that paved the way for their success. As I interviewed these people, I found that there are as many ways to plan for success as there are people who create those plans. I was fascinated as I learned from these highly successful people what they did to succeed in their various professions. A successful businesswoman once told me that when she was involuntarily separated from her last corporate job she took the opportunity to sit back and take a deep breath, discover what she really wanted to do, and to explore her passion. She said she didn t write anything down but from just taking some time out to think and......
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Buying a Property France, 3rd (Buying a Property in France) Christian Moen, Marcell Felipe, John Howell
An innovative guide that gives readers all the information they need to buy a property in France. Every step of the process, from organizing visas to drawing up contracts, is covered, and there is essential background on the economy, climate, and facilities. A full-color photograph section gives them a taste of France's different regions, aiding their decision of where in France to buy. Peppered with anecdotes and case studies, this guide also gives a unique, personal insight into moving to France....
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Living in Argentina Ana Cardinale
Taschen. Argentina considers itself the most European of South American countries, and with good reason. The Argentineans have a strong connection to the old world; their achievements in design, filmmaking, literature, music, and art place them firmly in today's global culture spotlight.When it comes to decorating, they have a great talent for bringing together the old and the new, with subtle touches of color and rich textiles, and incorporating the country's beautiful landscapes in their architectural palette. Editor Angelika Taschen invites readers to pore over this selection of houses, apartments, ranches, polo grounds, and more, including an opulent centuryold opera house where Maria Callas sang as well as the homes of Francis Mallmann, the country's most famous chef, Xul Solar, painter and close friend of the great Argentinean writer Jorge Luis Borges, and Juan Gatti, graphic designer for Pedro Almodovar. Формат: 26,5 см x 31 см....
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Большая книга досуга для мальчиков
Литература, Оникс. Программа обучения дошкольника. Приключения, состязания, тайны, клады, сокровища... Эти слова так и манят к себе, так и притягивают! А какой мальчишка не мечтает отправиться в космическое путешествие или оказаться среди настоящих индейцев... Если вам нравится разгадывать загадки и головоломки, если вас привлекает все интересное и интригующее, то эта книга для вас! Ребусы, лабиринты, раскраски, игры - 240 страниц настоящего удовольствия! Чуть-чуть фантазии, немного воображения - и вы сможете ощутить себя благородным рыцарем и бесстрашным ковбоем, встретиться с пиратами и принять участие в спортивных соревнованиях... А еще вы весело и интересно проведете время....
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Masterpieces of Western Art (комплект из 2 книг) Edited by Ingo F. Walther
Taschen. Книга 1, From the Gothic to Neoclassicism, Книга 2, From the Romantic Age to the Present Day. "Masterpieces of Western Art" traces the history of painting from medieval times to the present day. But unlike conventional publications, that merely illustrate a few essentials, this work places 900 paintings taken from every era squarely in the foreground. The ten chapters each feature an introductory essay profiling the age and the achievements of the major artists, and then present selected works accompanied by searching commentaries. The reader is guided through the techniques and motifs of the artists, and familiarised with the spirit and background concerns of the age. Artist to artist, era to era, century to century, Masterpieces of Western Art adds up to an authoritative history - it is for browsing, too, where the reader can make new discoveries or meet old friends on every page. This imaginary museum of eight centuries of masterpieces by over 500 artists is a place to explore, to acquire a richer understanding of art - a reliable history, a handbook, as......
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Blueprint for Success. Ken Blanchard, Stephen R. Covey, Margaret Page, Frank Prince, Suzanne Evans, Greg Gillum, Julie Malo . Книги.
Елец, Тобольск, Димитровград, Чебоксары, Самара, Пермь, Нижнекамск, Электросталь, Люберцы, Миасс, Псков, Тверь, Смоленск, Магнитогорск, Липецк, Киров, Березники, Москва , Обнинск, Балаково, Майкоп, Электросталь, Волгоград,
Автоматика. Радиоэлектроника. Связь| Социальные драмы| Кино. Киноискусство| Логика (Logic)| Индийские мелодрамы| Средние века| Фондовый рынок| Скандалы. Сенсации. Катастрофы| Музыка. Ноты| Видеоуроки и обучающие программы| Интернет - легко и просто!| Астрология| Фильмы о мафии| Ценные бумаги. Инвестиции. Оценочная деятельность| Любовный роман| Информатика| Любовный роман| Великие спортсмены| Игры, праздники, развлечения для детей| Международные финансовые отношения| Международная внешнеэкономическая деятельность| Теория перевода. Переводоведение| Информатика| Химические науки| Страхование| История экономики| Автомотоспорт| Риторика. Ораторское искусство| Для дома и бизнеса| Средний и малый бизнес| Обществознание| Финансы. Денежное обращение| Экономический роман| Мультфильмы для взрослых| Для дома и бизнеса| Организационный и производственный менеджмент| Индийские видеоклипы|
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