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The Steam Magnate (The Broken Glass City Mosaic series) Dana Copithorne
Departing from formulaic themes involving quests, magicians, and mythical animals, this fantasy novel follows a character with powers more ordinary than most uber-wizards. Having inherited the steam-power legacy and the mysterious ability to funnel the assets of others into his own coffers through the mere use of ink and paper, Eson is hated by some and feared by others. While recovering from a disastrous relationship with a woman of his own magical kind, he meets a young woman who isn’t who she claims to be, and Eson must now defend himself against challenges far too close to home. Set in a world that is a tempting concoction of fairy-tale charm and everyday existence, this work explores the inequities of social class and the realities living among the less fortunate....
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Money, Banking and Financial Markets Roger LeRoy Miller, David D. VanHoose
The Third Edition of MONEY, BANKING AND FINANCIAL MARKETS, by Roger LeRoy Miller and David VanHoose, is the first text in its field to fully integrate coverage of international financial markets and the global economy from the outset. Since the First Edition, this market leading text has brought money and banking up-to-date by providing complete coverage of topics that are important to the twenty-first century world of money and banking. The authors give considerable attention to the ways in which new technologies are affecting the practice of banking, the nature of money, and the tasks of policymakers. It is also the first and only text on the market to offer a fully-integrated program of accompanying online resources and multimedia tools that enhance a student's study of money and banking....
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Accounting in a Nutshell, Second Edition: Accounting for the non-specialist (CIMA Professional Handbook) Janet Walker
This book is designed primarily for middle and junior managers who deal with financial information without really understanding the content and for students who are studying accounting as a non-specialist subject, for example on a business studies or engineering course. The book will serve as a basic reference to be used throughout the course. It will also be particularly helpful in providing the basic grounding that is required before moving on to the more technical and in-depth study of the subject that may be required on some courses. Students who are embarking on a course of study to become a professional accountant will find this book of major benefit. The book covers the basic principles and techniques of both financial and management accounting, assuming that the reader has no prior knowledge of the subjexts. Written in a clear and concise style the book explains accounting principles and terminiology without the use of technical jargon. There are plenty of......
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Вторая дорога Аркадий Штейнберг
Русский импульс. Аркадий Штейнберг, замечательный поэт, лидер возникшей на рубеже 1920 1930-х годов литературной группы "Квадрига" (А.Штейнберг, А.Тарковский, С.Липкин, М.Петровых), классик художественного перевода, первоклассный мастер живописи графики, глава "Тарусской школы" живописи, этого "Русского Барбизона". Книга выходит к столетию со дня рождения этого яркого, разносторонне одаренной художника драматической судьбы, бывшего при жизни "поэтом без книги", "художнике" без выставки"....
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Краткий кодекс переговорщика Нелли Власова
Эксмо. Карманный советник Нелли Власовой. Обычно переговоры имеют мало общего с силой аргументов, они куда в большей степени зависят от силы оппонентов. Чтобы начать видеть и управлять факторами, влияющими на успех в переговорах, нужно их изучить. Представляем краткий кодекс переговорщика, который поможет овладеть техникой ведения переговоров и сделает вас сильнейшим оппонентом в любых ситуациях и спорах. Присоединяйтесь к тысячам читателей, чьи сердца покорила и помогла решить, казалось бы, неразрешимые проблемы уникальный российский автор Нелли Власова! Для широкого круга читателей....
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The Steam Magnate (The Broken Glass City Mosaic series). Dana Copithorne . Книги.
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