Alexander Gurevich / Александр Гуревич

Борис Бернштейн, Николай Благодатов

  Alexander Gurevich / Александр Гуревич  Борис Бернштейн, Николай Благодатов  Ретро.   Гуревич не дает нам прямых ответов, его речь замысловата. Авторскую мысль надо ловить в сложнейшем узоре образов, отсылок, воспоминаний, цитат, намеков, неясных двусмысленных символов, знаков, которые, возможно, только притворяются символами. Он не какой-нибудь реалист, который, желая изобразить крах банка, изображает крах банка, задумав написать бурлаков на Волге, отправляет Волгу и портретирует бурлаков. Он принадлежит к другому времени и сам - другой. Кто же он? Формат: 24 см х 29 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ретро. Гуревич не дает нам прямых ответов, его речь замысловата. Авторскую мысль надо ловить в сложнейшем узоре образов, отсылок, воспоминаний, цитат, намеков, неясных двусмысленных символов, знаков, которые, возможно, только притворяются символами. Он не какой-нибудь реалист, который, желая изобразить крах банка, изображает крах банка, задумав написать бурлаков на Волге, отправляет Волгу и портретирует бурлаков. Он принадлежит к другому времени и сам - другой. Кто же он? Формат: 24 см х 29 см....

Genetics of Obesity Syndromes (Oxford Monographs on Medical Genetics)

Philip R. Beales, Peter R. Scambler

  Genetics of Obesity Syndromes (Oxford Monographs on Medical Genetics)  Philip R. Beales, Peter R. Scambler  Obesity is one of the most important contributors to disease throughout the world and an area of great current interest among researchers and clinicians. The genetics of common obesity is complex and far from resolved. However, an important view thread through the labyrinth is the study of well-described genetic syndromes (often involving mental retardation and a constellation of other disorders) in which obesity is a major component. By examining the genetic mechanisms of obesity in these syndromes, the authors shed light on the genetics of common obesity. This book is the first in this new area and covers both the molecular and clinical features of the obesity syndromes, providing hard-core information for research and practical guidance for clinicians caring for obesity patients.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Obesity is one of the most important contributors to disease throughout the world and an area of great current interest among researchers and clinicians. The genetics of common obesity is complex and far from resolved. However, an important view thread through the labyrinth is the study of well-described genetic syndromes (often involving mental retardation and a constellation of other disorders) in which obesity is a major component. By examining the genetic mechanisms of obesity in these syndromes, the authors shed light on the genetics of common obesity. This book is the first in this new area and covers both the molecular and clinical features of the obesity syndromes, providing hard-core information for research and practical guidance for clinicians caring for obesity patients....

Pediatrics: Clinical Cases Uncovered (Case-Based)

Jonathan J. Round, Lucy Stradling, Alice Myers

  Pediatrics: Clinical Cases Uncovered (Case-Based)  Jonathan J. Round, Lucy Stradling, Alice Myers  * A new paediatrics title for medical students with a unique case based approach * Includes an introductory section on the approach to the patient and backgroud information on how paediatrics differs from other specialties * Cases are divided into four sections covering: Neonates, Infants and Toddlers, Early Childhood and Middle Childhood and Adolescence * An ideal companion to paediatric attachments or rotations  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин * A new paediatrics title for medical students with a unique case based approach * Includes an introductory section on the approach to the patient and backgroud information on how paediatrics differs from other specialties * Cases are divided into four sections covering: Neonates, Infants and Toddlers, Early Childhood and Middle Childhood and Adolescence * An ideal companion to paediatric attachments or rotations...

The Labours of Hercules

Agatha Christie

  The Labours of Hercules  Agatha Christie  HarperCollins Publishers.   The Agatha Christie Collection.   Poirot sets himself a challenge before he retires - to solve 12 cases which correspond with the labours of his classical Greek namesake... In appearance Hercule Poirot hardly resembled an ancient Greek hero. Yet - reasoned the detective - like Hercules he had been responsible for ridding society of some of its most unpleasant monsters. So, in the period leading up to his retirement, Poirot made up his mind to accept just twelve more cases: his self-imposed 'Labours'. Each would go down in the annals of crime as a heroic feat of deduction. Формат: 11 см x 18 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин HarperCollins Publishers. The Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot sets himself a challenge before he retires - to solve 12 cases which correspond with the labours of his classical Greek namesake... In appearance Hercule Poirot hardly resembled an ancient Greek hero. Yet - reasoned the detective - like Hercules he had been responsible for ridding society of some of its most unpleasant monsters. So, in the period leading up to his retirement, Poirot made up his mind to accept just twelve more cases: his self-imposed 'Labours'. Each would go down in the annals of crime as a heroic feat of deduction. Формат: 11 см x 18 см....

US Customs Guide

Ibp Usa

  US Customs Guide  Ibp Usa  US Customs Guide  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин US Customs Guide...

<<<  История России. Конец XVII-XIX век. 10 класс. ...             Золотые сказки.  >>>

На главную

Alexander Gurevich / Александр Гуревич. Борис Бернштейн, Николай Благодатов . Книги.

Новый Уренгой, Чита, Новочеркасск, Канск, Чита, Новокузнецк, Новочебоксарск, Березники, Москва , СергиевПосад, Благовещенск, Грозный, Йошкар-Ола, НижнийНовгород, Сургут, Новокуйбышевск, Златоуст, Мурманск, Орёл, Королёв, Новотроицк, Хасавюрт, Дзержинск, Серпухов, СергиевПосад, Волжский, Братск,
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