Communication Standards: The Principles and Protocols for Standard-Setting Individual and Corporate Communication

James E. Lukaszewski

  Communication Standards: The Principles and Protocols for Standard-Setting Individual and Corporate Communication  James E. Lukaszewski  Lukaszewski Group.   Time and time again when we analyze how poor, delayed, or unnecessarily manipulative communication has damaged or destroyed the reputation, credibility, brand name, or the future of an individual, organization, or product, it often seems that then, and only then, does the search begin for the rules and tests to apply to achieve effective, problem-anticipating, ethically sound communication. This monograph outlines communication goals, fundamental communication principles, standard-setting protocols, and sound approaches that meet or exceed constituent or community communication expectations.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Lukaszewski Group. Time and time again when we analyze how poor, delayed, or unnecessarily manipulative communication has damaged or destroyed the reputation, credibility, brand name, or the future of an individual, organization, or product, it often seems that then, and only then, does the search begin for the rules and tests to apply to achieve effective, problem-anticipating, ethically sound communication. This monograph outlines communication goals, fundamental communication principles, standard-setting protocols, and sound approaches that meet or exceed constituent or community communication expectations....

Managing Imaginary Organizations

B. Hedberg, A. Yakhlef, P. Baumard

  Managing Imaginary Organizations  B. Hedberg, A. Yakhlef, P. Baumard  Hardbound. Traditionally, organizations have consisted of collections of people who physically gather together in one place to carry out some kind of coordinated activity. Today, however, business is increasingly relying on Hardbound. Traditionally, organizations have consisted of collections of people who physically gather together in one place to carry out some kind of coordinated activity. Today, however, business is increasingly relying on "virtual" processes in which people engage in internet-mediated interactions that often span the globe. These processes create intangible "imaginary organizations" that exist largely as a concept in the minds of electronically interacting individuals. As more and more high value-addedwork is performed by knowledge workers interacting through electronically mediated networks, however, managers and management researchers must evolve new concepts for monitoring, interpreting, assessing, and managing activities carried out in such virtual settings. This volume presents an important multidisciplinary approach to understanding these new kinds of imaginary organizations and their processes. Close reading of the papers in this volume will rew...

TechTV's Upgrading Your PC

Mark Edward Soper, Patrick Norton

  TechTV's Upgrading Your PC  Mark Edward Soper, Patrick Norton  A reference based title written in an approachable first person point of view. This book teaches a reader how to upgrade his PC and peripherals to increase productivity on his PC without intimidating or offending him. Straight-forward conversational tone on upgrading hardware and software-the decision to upgrade or not. This title provides basic information in purchasing and installing the newest technology for multimedia, fast Internet access and more. Finally the reader learns how various software applications and operating systems upgrades can help him use or not use his PC more efficiently. This book gives its readers the foundation on what a PC is and how to upgrade it in everyday language without being intimidating or insulting. Upgrading & Repairing Your PC is a task-oriented explanation of PC hardware and software upgrading.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A reference based title written in an approachable first person point of view. This book teaches a reader how to upgrade his PC and peripherals to increase productivity on his PC without intimidating or offending him. Straight-forward conversational tone on upgrading hardware and software-the decision to upgrade or not. This title provides basic information in purchasing and installing the newest technology for multimedia, fast Internet access and more. Finally the reader learns how various software applications and operating systems upgrades can help him use or not use his PC more efficiently. This book gives its readers the foundation on what a PC is and how to upgrade it in everyday language without being intimidating or insulting. Upgrading & Repairing Your PC is a task-oriented explanation of PC hardware and software upgrading....

Games for Business and Economics

Roy Gardner

  Games for Business and Economics  Roy Gardner  An easy-to-read, and enjoyable introduction to game theory! This clearly written book shows readers how to set up and solve games, particularly those in economics and business, using game theory. Gardener's innovative approach helps readers develop strong modeling skills by using proven applications and examples of setups. The book also features a variety of examples, including many from business, politics, economics, and history.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин An easy-to-read, and enjoyable introduction to game theory! This clearly written book shows readers how to set up and solve games, particularly those in economics and business, using game theory. Gardener's innovative approach helps readers develop strong modeling skills by using proven applications and examples of setups. The book also features a variety of examples, including many from business, politics, economics, and history....

Ultimate G H S G T: Expert Tips to Help Boost Your Score

Cynthia Johnson, Johnson Drew

  Ultimate G H S G T: Expert Tips to Help Boost Your Score  Cynthia Johnson, Johnson Drew  The Ultimate Guide to Scoring Higher REVIEW Kaplan's Ultimate GHSGT is specifically designed to address the tested material on the Georgia High School Graduation Test. The guide provides a comprehensive review of all the key Writing. English/Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies concepts on the test. APPLY STRATEGIES Learn how to apply Kaplan's exclusive test-taking strategies to specific question types, and get helpful tips on time management, stress reduction, and much more. PRACTICE Realistic practice questions help improve your performance and familiarity with key tested concepts, and build your confidence. SUCCEED With this incisive guide, you can benefitfrom Kaplan's seasoned experience in helping students succeed on standardized tests. From tips and advice to realistic practice, you can be sure you will receive effective preparation based on the most up-to-date exam information.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Ultimate Guide to Scoring Higher REVIEW Kaplan's Ultimate GHSGT is specifically designed to address the tested material on the Georgia High School Graduation Test. The guide provides a comprehensive review of all the key Writing. English/Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies concepts on the test. APPLY STRATEGIES Learn how to apply Kaplan's exclusive test-taking strategies to specific question types, and get helpful tips on time management, stress reduction, and much more. PRACTICE Realistic practice questions help improve your performance and familiarity with key tested concepts, and build your confidence. SUCCEED With this incisive guide, you can benefitfrom Kaplan's seasoned experience in helping students succeed on standardized tests. From tips and advice to realistic practice, you can be sure you will receive effective preparation based on the most up-to-date exam information....

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Communication Standards: The Principles and Protocols for Standard-Setting Individual and Corporate Communication. James E. Lukaszewski . Книги.

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