Завтрашние заботы

Виктор Конецкий

  Завтрашние заботы  Виктор Конецкий  Советский писатель. Ленинградское отделение.   Герой повести Советский писатель. Ленинградское отделение. Герой повести "Завтрашние заботы" Глеб Вольнов родился в Ленинграде, жил здесь в блокаду, мальчиком попал в школу юнг при Московском экипаже и стал работать на перегонах судов из Архангельска на Дальний Восток. Книга продается без суперобложки...

Россия в концлагере

Солоневич И.

  Россия в концлагере  Солоневич И.  Автобиографические очерки выдающегося публициста Ивана Лукьяновича Солоневича. Незаслуженно забытые, они гораздо меньше известны в России, чем заграницей. При подготовке публикации максимально сохранены авторские орфография и пунктуация.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Автобиографические очерки выдающегося публициста Ивана Лукьяновича Солоневича. Незаслуженно забытые, они гораздо меньше известны в России, чем заграницей. При подготовке публикации максимально сохранены авторские орфография и пунктуация....

Crusading in the Fifteenth Century : Message and Impact

  Crusading in the Fifteenth Century : Message and Impact  Book Description This collection of essays by European and American scholars addresses the changing nature and appeal of crusading during the period which extended from the battle of Nicopolis in 1396 to the battle of Mohacs in 1526. Contributors focus on two key aspects of the subject. One is developments in the crusading message and the language in which it was framed. These were brought about partly by the appearance of new enemies, above all the Ottoman Turks, and partly by shifting religious values and innovative currents of thought within Catholic Europe. The other aspect is the wide range of responses which the papacy's repeated calls to holy war encountered in a Christian community which was increasingly heterogeneous in character. This collection represents a substantial contribution to the study of the Later Crusades and of Renaissance Europe.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This collection of essays by European and American scholars addresses the changing nature and appeal of crusading during the period which extended from the battle of Nicopolis in 1396 to the battle of Mohacs in 1526. Contributors focus on two key aspects of the subject. One is developments in the crusading message and the language in which it was framed. These were brought about partly by the appearance of new enemies, above all the Ottoman Turks, and partly by shifting religious values and innovative currents of thought within Catholic Europe. The other aspect is the wide range of responses which the papacy's repeated calls to holy war encountered in a Christian community which was increasingly heterogeneous in character. This collection represents a substantial contribution to the study of the Later Crusades and of Renaissance Europe....

Art Basel 36: 15-20/6/05 The Art Show

Art Basel

  Art Basel 36: 15-20/6/05 The Art Show  Art Basel  Book DescriptionHailed by The New York Times as the Book DescriptionHailed by The New York Times as the "Olympics of the Art World," the Art Basel fair looks back on a long and rich tradition, and is also considered to be the largest and most important art fair in the world. It offers a comprehensive overview of modern and contemporary art, and, at the same time, continues to be the annual meeting point of the international art world, attracting artists, gallery owners, collectors, curators, critics, and art lovers from all over the globe. This catalogue features nearly 600 color illustrations that review the selection presented at Art 36 Basel , provides information on the event, and is an indispensable reference to the most recent developments in the art world. Paperback, 8.25 x 11.75 in./672 pgs / 580 color and 40 b&w....

The Cambridge Companion to the Latin American Novel (Cambridge Companions to Literature)

  The Cambridge Companion to the Latin American Novel (Cambridge Companions to Literature)  Book DescriptionA stimulating collection of new essays on the development of the novel in Latin America.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionA stimulating collection of new essays on the development of the novel in Latin America....

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На главную

Завтрашние заботы. Виктор Конецкий . Книги.

Кызыл, Салават, Липецк, Киселёвск, Бийск, Пермь, Находка, Киров, Хабаровск, Волгодонск, Орехово-Зуево, Серпухов, Северск, Курск, Абакан,
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