Game for All Seasons Cookbook

Harold Webster

  Game for All Seasons Cookbook  Harold Webster  Great American Publishers.   Veteran hunter, fisherman, and chef Harold Webster presents 300 seasonal recipes for venison, fish, fowl, and other delicacies from field and water so you can prepare delicious dishes from your bounty. You'll find fresh and saltwater favorites like Caribbean-Fried Catfish, Baked Creole Redfish, Cream of Oyster Stew, Spinach-Stuffed Flounder Fillets, Deviled Lobster, and Shrimp and Broccoli Casserole. The many venison recipes include Grilled Venison Loin with Blackberry Sauce, Apple and Venison Sausage Omelet, French Onion Venison Roast, and Blue Cheese Venison Steaks. Webster's mouth-watering recipes will also guide you through creating Wild Hog Chili, Dove Breasts in Cream Sauce, Cajun Crockpot Wild Goose, and Wild Quail in Plum Sauce. From venison to crawfish, trout to wild turkey, racoon to mahi mahi, you'll find something to please everyone. Included with the recipes are memoirs that chronicle Webster's lifelong passion for hunting and fishing. You are sure to enjoy stories like...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Great American Publishers. Veteran hunter, fisherman, and chef Harold Webster presents 300 seasonal recipes for venison, fish, fowl, and other delicacies from field and water so you can prepare delicious dishes from your bounty. You'll find fresh and saltwater favorites like Caribbean-Fried Catfish, Baked Creole Redfish, Cream of Oyster Stew, Spinach-Stuffed Flounder Fillets, Deviled Lobster, and Shrimp and Broccoli Casserole. The many venison recipes include Grilled Venison Loin with Blackberry Sauce, Apple and Venison Sausage Omelet, French Onion Venison Roast, and Blue Cheese Venison Steaks. Webster's mouth-watering recipes will also guide you through creating Wild Hog Chili, Dove Breasts in Cream Sauce, Cajun Crockpot Wild Goose, and Wild Quail in Plum Sauce. From venison to crawfish, trout to wild turkey, racoon to mahi mahi, you'll find something to please everyone. Included with the recipes are memoirs that chronicle Webster's lifelong passion for hunting and fishing. You are sure to enjoy stories like......

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Game for All Seasons Cookbook. Harold Webster . Книги.

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