Китайский проезд. Римский период, или Охота на вампира

Эдуард Тополь

  Китайский проезд. Римский период, или Охота на вампира  Эдуард Тополь  АСТ.   Китайский проезд, Римский период, или Охота на вампира.   Вниманию читателей предлагаются романы известного во всем мире писателя Эдуарда Тополя `Китайский проезд` и `Римский период, или Охота на вампира`.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ. Китайский проезд, Римский период, или Охота на вампира. Вниманию читателей предлагаются романы известного во всем мире писателя Эдуарда Тополя `Китайский проезд` и `Римский период, или Охота на вампира`....

Конец маркетинга, каким мы его знаем

Серхио Займан

  Конец маркетинга, каким мы его знаем  Серхио Займан  Попурри.   В книге Попурри. В книге "Конец маркетинга, каким мы его знаем" Займан раскрывает рациональные (в противовес интуитивным), зачастую провокационные стратегические и тактические приемы маркетинга, которые стоили ему прозвища Ая-Кола и всего за пять лет помогли увеличить рыночную стоимость компании "Coca-Cola" с 56 до 193 миллиардов долларов. Разоблачая мистику, окружающую маркетинг как дисциплину, подвергая критике традицию создания рекламы и образов, которые так нравятся толпе, Займан объясняет, почему "трогающий сердца" маркетинг лишен смысла, если не приводит к увеличению продаж. Он также дает ответы на вопросы: - почему маркетинг - это наука, а не искусство; - почему для успеха важнее остро отточенная стратегия, чем содержание рекламных роликов; - почему для достижения глобального успеха необходим локальный маркетинг; - каким образом идея доставляется потребителям - и что она для них значит; - почему маркетинг слишком важен, чтобы предоставить заниматься им одной лишь......

The Invisible Heart: An Economic Romance

Russell Roberts

  The Invisible Heart: An Economic Romance  Russell Roberts  The MIT Press.   A love story that embraces the business and economic issues of the day? The Invisible Heart takes a provocative look at business, economics, and regulation through the eyes of Sam Gordon and Laura Silver, teachers at the exclusive Edwards School in Washington, D.C.Sam lives and breathes capitalism. He thinks that most government regulation is unnecessary or even harmful. He believes that success in business is a virtue. He believes that our humanity flourishes under economic freedom.Laura prefers Wordsworth to the Wall Street Journal . Where Sam sees victors, she sees victims. She wants the government to protect consumers and workers from the excesses of Sam's beloved marketplace. While Sam and Laura argue about how to make the world a better place, a parallel story unfolds across town. Erica Baldwin, the crusading head of a government watchdog agency, tries to bring Charles Krauss, a ruthless CEO, to justice. How are these two dramas connected? Why...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The MIT Press. A love story that embraces the business and economic issues of the day? The Invisible Heart takes a provocative look at business, economics, and regulation through the eyes of Sam Gordon and Laura Silver, teachers at the exclusive Edwards School in Washington, D.C.Sam lives and breathes capitalism. He thinks that most government regulation is unnecessary or even harmful. He believes that success in business is a virtue. He believes that our humanity flourishes under economic freedom.Laura prefers Wordsworth to the Wall Street Journal . Where Sam sees victors, she sees victims. She wants the government to protect consumers and workers from the excesses of Sam's beloved marketplace. While Sam and Laura argue about how to make the world a better place, a parallel story unfolds across town. Erica Baldwin, the crusading head of a government watchdog agency, tries to bring Charles Krauss, a ruthless CEO, to justice. How are these two dramas connected? Why......

Healthy Work: Stress, Productivity, and the Reconstruction of Working Life

Robert A. Karasek, Tores Theorell

  Healthy Work: Stress, Productivity, and the Reconstruction of Working Life  Robert A. Karasek, Tores Theorell  "Provides compelling reasons for treating the American work force as a valuable resource . . . and for looking at occupational stress as a serious social problem."-- New York Times Book Review...

Integrated Learning for ERP Success: A Learning Requirements Planning Approach

Karl M. Kapp, William F. Latham, Hester N. Ford-Latham, Karl M Kapp

  Integrated Learning for ERP Success: A Learning Requirements Planning Approach  Karl M. Kapp, William F. Latham, Hester N. Ford-Latham, Karl M Kapp  The results are in. The evidence has been analyzed. Research shows that the lack of enterprise-wide training is the biggest reason for ERP implementation failures. It is the single most important precursor to achieving success. Integrated Learning for ERP Success is the first resource to offer a specifically defined, comprehensive method for planning, delivering, and evaluating ERP training efforts. It even includes formulas for determining training return on investment. The Learning Requirements Planning (LRP) process presented involves a six-step enterprise-level instructional design model that when implemented correctly assures success.If you would rather have a root canal than oversee an ERP implementation, you are not alone. But like avoiding a rootcanal, avoiding ERP implementation only causes more pain. This book eases the implementation pain. It shows you how a formal plan for learning will increase the productivity of the ERP implementation team, shorten overall...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The results are in. The evidence has been analyzed. Research shows that the lack of enterprise-wide training is the biggest reason for ERP implementation failures. It is the single most important precursor to achieving success. Integrated Learning for ERP Success is the first resource to offer a specifically defined, comprehensive method for planning, delivering, and evaluating ERP training efforts. It even includes formulas for determining training return on investment. The Learning Requirements Planning (LRP) process presented involves a six-step enterprise-level instructional design model that when implemented correctly assures success.If you would rather have a root canal than oversee an ERP implementation, you are not alone. But like avoiding a rootcanal, avoiding ERP implementation only causes more pain. This book eases the implementation pain. It shows you how a formal plan for learning will increase the productivity of the ERP implementation team, shorten overall......

<<<  Арки, двери, окна. В. С. Левадный             Tangram aktuell 1 - Lektion 5-8. Lehrerhandbuch. Kay Tangermann >>>

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Китайский проезд. Римский период, или Охота на вампира. Эдуард Тополь . Книги.

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