Никита Сергеевич Хрущев. Материалы к биографии

  Никита Сергеевич Хрущев. Материалы к биографии  Издательство политической литературы.   Никита Сергеевич Хрущев. Материалы к биографии.   В сборник вошли очерки, статьи, воспоминания о видном политическом деятеле Н. С. Хрущеве, опубликованные в советской прессе. Разнохарактерность этих материалов, разнообразие оценок личности и деятельности Н. С. Хрущева авторами - историками, экономистами, публицистами, деятелями литературы и искусства - дают возможность составить более полное представление об этом непростом человеке, десять лет стоявшем у руководства партией и страной.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Издательство политической литературы. Никита Сергеевич Хрущев. Материалы к биографии. В сборник вошли очерки, статьи, воспоминания о видном политическом деятеле Н. С. Хрущеве, опубликованные в советской прессе. Разнохарактерность этих материалов, разнообразие оценок личности и деятельности Н. С. Хрущева авторами - историками, экономистами, публицистами, деятелями литературы и искусства - дают возможность составить более полное представление об этом непростом человеке, десять лет стоявшем у руководства партией и страной....

Origins and Growth of the Global Economy : From the Fifteenth Century Onward

Ronald E. Seavoy

  Origins and Growth of the Global Economy : From the Fifteenth Century Onward  Ronald E. Seavoy  The global market of the 21st century came into existence to produce products and services for mass consumption. Its purpose is to create consumer cultures in nations that fully participate in its benefits. It is the product of cooperation among industrial nations following World War II. Seavoy traces out the evolution of the global market from its foundations in imperial commercial rivalries of the mid-15th century to the present.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The global market of the 21st century came into existence to produce products and services for mass consumption. Its purpose is to create consumer cultures in nations that fully participate in its benefits. It is the product of cooperation among industrial nations following World War II. Seavoy traces out the evolution of the global market from its foundations in imperial commercial rivalries of the mid-15th century to the present....

Exchange Rates and Inflation

Rudiger Dornbusch

  Exchange Rates and Inflation  Rudiger Dornbusch  Collected for the first time in Exchange Rates and Inflation, twenty-two articles are gathered in four parts covering exchange rate theory, special topics in exchange rate economics, equilibrium real exchange rates, and inflation and stabilization.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Collected for the first time in Exchange Rates and Inflation, twenty-two articles are gathered in four parts covering exchange rate theory, special topics in exchange rate economics, equilibrium real exchange rates, and inflation and stabilization....

Putting the Invisible Hand to Work : Concepts and Models for Service Learning in Economics

KimMarie McGoldrick, Andrea L. Ziegert

  Putting the Invisible Hand to Work : Concepts and Models for Service Learning in Economics  KimMarie McGoldrick, Andrea L. Ziegert  Service learning is an experiential learning pedagogy that enables students to integrate their study of economics in the classroom with service activities in their communities. It can enhance both economic literacy and the quality of our communitiesby helping to make economics more accessible to an increasingly diverse student body, increasing student citizenship skills, and improving the relationship between colleges and universities and their communities. The two parts of this volume provide a theoretical basis for service learning and offer lessons gleaned from applying it in the classroom. The theoretical chapters outline the learning theory and models of service learning as they can be applied in economics. Service learning is introduced here as a technique that teaches students to Service learning is an experiential learning pedagogy that enables students to integrate their study of economics in the classroom with service activities in their communities. It can enhance both economic literacy and the quality of our communitiesby helping to make economics more accessible to an increasingly diverse student body, increasing student citizenship skills, and improving the relationship between colleges and universities and their communities. The two parts of this volume provide a theoretical basis for service learning and offer lessons gleaned from applying it in the classroom. The theoretical chapters outline the learning theory and models of service learning as they can be applied in economics. Service learning is introduced here as a technique that teaches students to "do economics." Also included are specific models of service learning and an overview of assessment issues. The applications chapters detail various examples of using service to......

Sensemaking in Organizations (Foundations for Organizational Science)

Karl E. Weick

  Sensemaking in Organizations (Foundations for Organizational Science)  Karl E. Weick  The teaching of organization theory and the conduct of organizational research have been dominated by a focus on decision-making and the concept of strategic rationality. However, the rational model ignores the inherent complexity and ambiguity of real-world organizations and their environments. In this landmark volume, Karl E Weick highlights how the `sensemaking' process shapes organizational structure and behaviour. The process is seen as the creation of reality as an ongoing accomplishment that takesform when people make retrospective sense of the situations in which they find themselves.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The teaching of organization theory and the conduct of organizational research have been dominated by a focus on decision-making and the concept of strategic rationality. However, the rational model ignores the inherent complexity and ambiguity of real-world organizations and their environments. In this landmark volume, Karl E Weick highlights how the `sensemaking' process shapes organizational structure and behaviour. The process is seen as the creation of reality as an ongoing accomplishment that takesform when people make retrospective sense of the situations in which they find themselves....

<<<  Его сильные руки. Дэнис Аллен             Mind Games of Trading. Stephen Mepstead >>>

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Никита Сергеевич Хрущев. Материалы к биографии. . Книги.

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