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Практикум по налоговым расчетам Т. И. Кисилевич
Финансы и статистика. Во втором издании (1-е изд. - 2002 г.) рассматриваются объекты налогообложения физических и юридических лиц, предусмотренные льготы, финансовые санкции в соответствии с Налоговым кодексом Российской Федерации. Предложены решения различных задач и примеров исчисления налогов, приведены примеры заполнения налоговых деклараций. Для студентов экономических вузов, может быть использовано в системе подготовки профессиональных бухгалтеров и аудиторов....
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Библейская энциклопедия
Издание Свято-Троице-Сергиевой Лавры. Библейская энциклопедия. Репринтное издание. По благословению Святейшего Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Алексия II....
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Organization Change and Development in Management Control Systems Xu-Dong Ji
. The book applies sociological approaches to organizational change and development to explain process innovation and diffusion in internal auditing and management accounting systems. While management accounting reports have emphasized the measurement of quality and improved organizational performance, the extent to which process innovation strategies of total quality management (TQM) and reengineering have been integrated into behavioral accounting research has been limited. This book broadens qualityand process innovation research by incorporating theories from organizational development, systems analysis, organizational learning, contingency theory, population ecology and collaborative management. In doing so, the book integrates the study of TQM and reengineering into management accounting, internal auditing and control systems. Accordingly, the book has been structured into four parts to present organizational change and development...
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An Early History of the Economic Institutions of Europe Frederick L. Nussbaum
A detailed history of the development and influence of European culture and its economic society....
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Thriving in 24/7: Six Strategies for Taming the New World of Work Sally Helgesen
Thriving in 24/7 is a guide to navigating a new world of work in which all the rules have changed. In the 24/7 world, home can seem like a branch office. E-mail beckons at 3 A.M.; we work not nine-to-five but across multiple time zones; beeper messages interrupt private moments. Whether we're planning a vacation, choosing health insurance, or buying a car, we are flooded with so many options that our personal lives feel like second jobs. Even the pleasures that should refresh us -- Thanksgiving dinner or lunch with a close friend -- too often seem like tasks on an infinite to-do list. How, asks Sally Helgesen, do we keep from being swallowed up by a world that is fundamentally out of sync with human nature? Helgesen, a premier thinker on the role of work in the knowledge economy, offers readers six powerful strategies for achieving and maintaining equilibrium in this new world. Drawing upon dozens of interviews with men and women adept at navigating life in 24/7,......
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На главную
Практикум по налоговым расчетам. Т. И. Кисилевич . Книги.
Новочебоксарск, Майкоп, Архангельск, Королёв, Назрань, Рязань, Новотроицк, Рубцовск, Петрозаводск, Камышин, Екатеринбург, Волжский, Коломна, Одинцово, Уссурийск, Новокуйбышевск, Нефтекамск, Артём, Орёл, Батайск, Норильск, Белгород, Златоуст,
Экранизации детской литературы| Экономика| Аэробика| Персоналия| Энциклопедические словари| История нового времени (XVI - 1918 г.)| Отечественная фантастика| Европейские языки| Кредит. Аренда. Лизинг| На французском языке| Логистика. Транспорт. Склад| Экономическая география| Студентам ВУЗов| Поп-музыка| Естественные науки в целом| Сказки| Аудит|
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