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Третья правда Леонид Бородин
Русскiй мiръ, Московский учебник. Литературная премия Александра Солженицына. Третья правда, Ловушка для Адама, Бесиво, Коровий разведчик, До рассвета, Инстинкт памяти, Москва, 18 апреля 2002 года, Четвертая правда Леонида Бородина, "На определенном возрастном рубеже человек...". В книгу избранных произведений известного русского писателя Л.И.Бородина вошли его повести "Третья правда", "Ловушка для Адама", "Бесиво", а также рассказы "Коровий разведчик", "До рассвета" и "Инстинкт памяти"....
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Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers (8th Edition) Lynn Q. Troyka, Doug Hesse
A self-instruction manual and reference book for academic, personal, business, and public audience writing. Coverage includes writing college-level essays, source-based arguments, and research papers; thinking and reading critically; using documentation style correctly; designing documents; writing for the Web; writing about literature; writing for business; creating oral presentations; taking essay tests; and using correct grammar, punctuation, and mechanics correctly. Anyone looking to succeed and fulfill their potential in writing....
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The Scientific Article in the Age of Digitization (Information Science and Knowledge Management)
John Mackenzie Owen...
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Faq 4.5: Sound Answers to Real Computer Questions John J. Fried
When Internet service providers, software help desks, and computer repair shops all fail to deliver, technology users turn in desperation to John Fried--and are amply rewarded. A compilation of questions submitted by readers of Fried's column in the Philadelphia Inquirer, FAQ 4.5 offers solutions for the thorniest, most commonly encountered problems. Conveniently indexed, this book provides strategies for dealing with such current technical challenges as the intricacies of Windows XP, the proliferation of Internet browsers, clashes in new software, and the detection and expulsion of new security threats. Under Fried's sure hand, your computer will run faster, stronger, and smarter. And in addition to keeping your present gizmos up and running, the author provides important advice about the purchase of new equipment....
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Direccion y gestion de empresas del sector turistico / Direction and Management of Toursim Sector Businesses (Economia Y Empresa / Economy and Business)
Inmaculada Martin Rojo...
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Третья правда. Леонид Бородин . Книги.
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