Modern Conductor, The (7th Edition)

Elizabeth A. Green

  Modern Conductor, The (7th Edition)  Elizabeth A. Green  Book Description Extensively refined and updated, this new edition on conducting posits that conducting is atime-space art. It builds basic book techniques and includes additional band scores excerpts, placed in proximity with the classic repertoire. The text adds new baton timing techniques, and shows the relationships of time, speed, and motion. Key words and principles are highlighted in boldface or italics. This book states a new principle regarding gesture-speed as related to dynamics and phrasing. Drills to train the mind and hands simultaneously are presented. Complete diagrams, all time-beating patterns, and logical classification of expressive gestures are included. Offers manual-technique photo illustrations and a wealth of music examplesthat show the application of techniques. Features an extensive appendix that includes seating charts, language tables (scores), less common terms, and an outline of musical form to aid in score study. For musicians.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Extensively refined and updated, this new edition on conducting posits that conducting is atime-space art. It builds basic book techniques and includes additional band scores excerpts, placed in proximity with the classic repertoire. The text adds new baton timing techniques, and shows the relationships of time, speed, and motion. Key words and principles are highlighted in boldface or italics. This book states a new principle regarding gesture-speed as related to dynamics and phrasing. Drills to train the mind and hands simultaneously are presented. Complete diagrams, all time-beating patterns, and logical classification of expressive gestures are included. Offers manual-technique photo illustrations and a wealth of music examplesthat show the application of techniques. Features an extensive appendix that includes seating charts, language tables (scores), less common terms, and an outline of musical form to aid in score study. For musicians....

Bone Music

Rodgers, Alan

  Bone Music  Rodgers, Alan  Book DescriptionA little over sixty years ago, Robert Johnson died of poison in a little town up off the bluff in Arkansas. In an hour, a little girl named Lisa will die of cancer. Such different deaths -- but linked, horribly and inevitably, by the crime Robert Johnson committed in the hour that he died. That Crime was Judgment Day: Robert Johnson sang Judgment Day, the song to end the world, as he lay dying in that shack up off the Mississippi River bluff -- and nothing anywhere in the world has been right since. Book DescriptionA little over sixty years ago, Robert Johnson died of poison in a little town up off the bluff in Arkansas. In an hour, a little girl named Lisa will die of cancer. Such different deaths -- but linked, horribly and inevitably, by the crime Robert Johnson committed in the hour that he died. That Crime was Judgment Day: Robert Johnson sang Judgment Day, the song to end the world, as he lay dying in that shack up off the Mississippi River bluff -- and nothing anywhere in the world has been right since. "Startling originality, a strong and rhythmic narrative voice, compelling characters, and delightfully quirky metaphysics make this a noteworthy hardcover debut for Rodgers, author of New Life for the Dead. . . . Well-realized settings range from contemporary New York City to Missouri and Mississippi in 1938; heaven and hell both come down to earth in modern New Orleans. Through colloquial prose that's strong and perfectly pitched, Rodgers combines elements of horror......

Acting Out : A Novel

Benilde Little

  Acting Out : A Novel  Benilde Little  Book Description From the bestselling author of Good Hair and The Itch comes a novel about a modern woman living in -- and acting out -- her role as an upper-class African-American suburban wife. Ina West is caught between the life she thought she was supposed to lead and the dreams she gave up long ago. Raised by loving but imperfect parents, Ina grew up a free spirit, getting a fine education and spending her twenty-something years as a photographer in Manhattan. But when family crisis and financial burdens came her way, Ina sought comfort in the arms of Jay Robinson, a hardworking businessman who occupied the safe, privileged world of the African-American upper middle class. As Jay's wife, Ina has it all: the lavish home, the SUV, the soccer games...until one day Jay walks out of their marriage, leaving Ina with no one left to trust but herself. How she manages to raise three children, take up her old career, rekindle an old flame, and celebrate her...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description From the bestselling author of Good Hair and The Itch comes a novel about a modern woman living in -- and acting out -- her role as an upper-class African-American suburban wife. Ina West is caught between the life she thought she was supposed to lead and the dreams she gave up long ago. Raised by loving but imperfect parents, Ina grew up a free spirit, getting a fine education and spending her twenty-something years as a photographer in Manhattan. But when family crisis and financial burdens came her way, Ina sought comfort in the arms of Jay Robinson, a hardworking businessman who occupied the safe, privileged world of the African-American upper middle class. As Jay's wife, Ina has it all: the lavish home, the SUV, the soccer games...until one day Jay walks out of their marriage, leaving Ina with no one left to trust but herself. How she manages to raise three children, take up her old career, rekindle an old flame, and celebrate her......

The Budget Book for Film and Television, Second Edition

Robert Koster

  The Budget Book for Film and Television, Second Edition  Robert Koster  Focal Press.   This guidebook is intended to help both the novice and the experienced producer to create and fine-tune their budgets. Based on the top budgeting software packages, Movie Magic and EP Budgeting, this book takes the reader through each line item in the budgeting software and describes the background for that item, how it fits into the overall production, and any issues or pitfalls that may arise from it. This book is a useful reference for independent filmmakers who depend on accurate, easy-to-understand budgeting methods to seek funding for their projects. Learn how to create a film or TV budget, line by line Includes a tutorial on Movie Magic and EP Budgeting  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Focal Press. This guidebook is intended to help both the novice and the experienced producer to create and fine-tune their budgets. Based on the top budgeting software packages, Movie Magic and EP Budgeting, this book takes the reader through each line item in the budgeting software and describes the background for that item, how it fits into the overall production, and any issues or pitfalls that may arise from it. This book is a useful reference for independent filmmakers who depend on accurate, easy-to-understand budgeting methods to seek funding for their projects. Learn how to create a film or TV budget, line by line Includes a tutorial on Movie Magic and EP Budgeting...

Бандит по особым поручениям

Б. К. Седов

  Бандит по особым поручениям  Б. К. Седов  Издательский Дом Издательский Дом "Нева". Воровской закон. Андрею Мартынову, русскому бандиту из Америки, дано поручение найти иголку в стоге сена - мальчика, двадцать лет назад затерявшегося на просторах России. Волею судеб мальчик является наследником миллионов, и американские боссы затевают вокруг него свою игру. Андрей выясняет, что на роль миллионера подходят два смертельных врага - мент и бандит, когда-то воспитывавшиеся в одном детдоме. Вступить в диалог с обеими враждующими сторонами, обойти ловушки, расставленные жадными американцами, завоевать любовь зеленоглазой Маши... и остаться в живых - вот задачка для русского американца!...

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Modern Conductor, The (7th Edition). Elizabeth A. Green . Книги.

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