Т. Г. Масарик и "Русская акция" Чехословацкого правительства. По материалам международной научной конференции

  Т. Г. Масарик и Русский путь. Библиотека-фонд "Русское Зарубежье". Материалы и исследования. Выпуск посвящен акции помощи Чехословацкого правительства российской послеоктябрьской эмиграции 20-30-х гг. XX в. Это начинание выдающегося политика и философа Томаша Г.Масарика обеспечило расцвет науки и культуры русского зарубежья в демократической Чехословакии и вошло в мировую историю под названием "Русская акция". Выпуск составлен по материалам международной научной конференции и дополнен воспоминаниями русских эмигрантов "первой волны" о Т.Г.Масарике....

Negima!: Magister Negi Magi, Volume 6

Ken Akamatsu

  Negima!: Magister Negi Magi, Volume 6  Ken Akamatsu  The chaotic class trip continues as Negi Springfield and his thirty-one beautiful female students explore the historic cities of Kyoto and Nara. Negi’s special headache is Konoka, the headmaster’s granddaughter, who turns out to have her own magical abilities! Although she’s not aware of them, others certainly are . . . and Konoka is kidnapped by a group of wizards who plan to corrupt her budding talents. Negi is going to need all the help he can get–even if it comes from a former foe. . . .  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The chaotic class trip continues as Negi Springfield and his thirty-one beautiful female students explore the historic cities of Kyoto and Nara. Negi’s special headache is Konoka, the headmaster’s granddaughter, who turns out to have her own magical abilities! Although she’s not aware of them, others certainly are . . . and Konoka is kidnapped by a group of wizards who plan to corrupt her budding talents. Negi is going to need all the help he can get–even if it comes from a former foe. . . ....

Run Before the Wind

Stuart Woods

  Run Before the Wind  Stuart Woods  Will Lee ran from a life of Southern wealth and privilege to spend a peaceful summer on the coast of Ireland. But there is no peace in this beautiful, troubled land... Restless and dissatisfied, Will dreams of shipbuilding and sailing on crystal-blue waters. Then an explosion of senseless violence drags the young American drifter into a lethal game of terror and revenge. Now Will Lee must run for his life from a bloody past that is not his own.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Will Lee ran from a life of Southern wealth and privilege to spend a peaceful summer on the coast of Ireland. But there is no peace in this beautiful, troubled land... Restless and dissatisfied, Will dreams of shipbuilding and sailing on crystal-blue waters. Then an explosion of senseless violence drags the young American drifter into a lethal game of terror and revenge. Now Will Lee must run for his life from a bloody past that is not his own....

The Making of Miss Potter: The Official Guide to the Motion Picture

Garth Pearce

  The Making of Miss Potter: The Official Guide to the Motion Picture  Garth Pearce  A full-color illustrated guide to the background and making of the motion picture on Beatrix Potter's life, starring RenA©e Zellweger as Beatrix and Ewan McGregor as the man she loved. The book takes the reader behind the scenes to give a real flavor of the film set and includes sections of the script, the costumes, production design, all the main actors, the experiences of the director, producer and scriptwriter, and the views of RenA©e Zellweger herself on being Beatrix and what the connections are between the real Miss Potter and the woman who is playing her.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A full-color illustrated guide to the background and making of the motion picture on Beatrix Potter's life, starring RenA©e Zellweger as Beatrix and Ewan McGregor as the man she loved. The book takes the reader behind the scenes to give a real flavor of the film set and includes sections of the script, the costumes, production design, all the main actors, the experiences of the director, producer and scriptwriter, and the views of RenA©e Zellweger herself on being Beatrix and what the connections are between the real Miss Potter and the woman who is playing her....

The Rumi Collection

Jelaluddin Rumi

  The Rumi Collection  Jelaluddin Rumi  Rumi's poems are beloved for their touching perceptions of humanity and the Divine. Here is a rich introduction to the work of the great mystical poet, featuring leading literary translations of his verse. Translators include Coleman Barks, Robert Bly, Andrew Harvey, Kabir Helminski, Camille Helminski, Daniel Liebert, and Peter Lamborn Wilson. To display the major themes of Rumi's work, each of the eighteen chapters in this anthology are arranged topically, such as Rumi's poems are beloved for their touching perceptions of humanity and the Divine. Here is a rich introduction to the work of the great mystical poet, featuring leading literary translations of his verse. Translators include Coleman Barks, Robert Bly, Andrew Harvey, Kabir Helminski, Camille Helminski, Daniel Liebert, and Peter Lamborn Wilson. To display the major themes of Rumi's work, each of the eighteen chapters in this anthology are arranged topically, such as "The Inner Work," "The Ego Animal," "Passion for God," "Praise," and "Purity." Also contained here is a biography of Rumi by Andrew Harvey, as well as an introductory essay by Kabir Helminski on the art of translating Rumi's work into English....

<<<  К. Э. Циолковский. Философия космизма. В. И. Алексеева             Лохless. Повесть о настоящей жизни. Народный ... >>>

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Т. Г. Масарик и "Русская акция" Чехословацкого правительства. По материалам международной научной конференции. . Книги.

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