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Computer Telephony and Wireless Technologies: Future Directions in Communications Bob Emmerson, David Greetham
This new 275-page report from CTR provides a comprehensive analysis of two of today's most dynamic areas in information technology: computer telephony (CT) and wireless communications. The report explores how these applications can provide solutions to your organization's business needs. Computer Telephony and Wireless Technologies: An Overview Using the right technology in order to implement new business solutions will often determine the success or failure of the enterprise. CTR's new report, Computer Telephony and Wireless Technologies: Future Directions in Communications, provides a comprehensive analysis of two of today's most dynamic areas in information technology (IT): computer telephony (CT) and wireless communications. The report focuses on the business applications of CT and wireless communications and explains the benefits these technologies offer. CTR's report provides critical information that will help IT managers understand the latest developments in......
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Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out Craig Stinson, Mark Dodge
Microsoft Press. Hey, you know your way around a spreadsheet?so now dig into Excel 2003 and really put your data to work! This supremely organized reference packs hundreds of time-saving solutions, troubleshooting tips, and handy workarounds in concise, fast answer format. Work smarter with core functions such as using worksheets and charts, analyzing data, and creating databases?and quickly advance your expertise by building PivotTable reports, creating macros, using custom functions, and automating Microsoft Excel with Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications. Also learn how to link and embed Excel data in other Microsoft Office applications, and how to capture, reuse, and share data by exploiting XML features. On the companion CD you get an eBook of Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out, along with Insider Extras from the authors, a trial version of the Spreadsheet Assistant add-on, a collection of Microsoft resources for learning about Office, a catalog of 3rd-party Excel......
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Windows Me Clear & Simple P. K. McBride
Windows Me Clear & Simple will provide everything the novice needs to know to start using Windows Me efficiently. It is based on the existing, and successful, Windows 98 Clear & Simple, with new material on video and multimedia and on simple networking to reflect the improvements in the software. Windows Me (Millennium Edition) is the latest version of Microsoft's operating system for the home market. It is essentially an upgraded edition of Windows 98, with new multimedia facilities, improved hardware management, simpler networking, and amended Internet software. PC manufacturers are selling Windows Me PCs beginning in September 2000, initially alongside Windows 98 PCs, but gradually replacing them. Introduces new computer users to Windows software Offers lots of tips and illustrated suggestions Provides the intelligent person's approach to PCs...
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Немецкая овчарка Михаил Джимов
АСТ. Немецкая овчарка - одна из самых распространенных и популярных пород собак. Она обладает прекрасными рабочими качествами и хорошо адаптирована в человеческом обществе. В этом справочнике вы найдете рекомендации по выбору и воспитанию щенка, методики общей и специальной дрессировок, подробный комментарий к стандарту, сведения о болезнях, их профилактике и лечении....
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Ренат и Дракон (романтическое собрание отдельных прозаических отрывков) Дмитрий А. Пригов
Новое литературное обозрение. Дмитрий Александрович Пригов (р. 1940) - известный поэт, прозаик, художник, лидер и теоретик концептуализма, лауреат Пушкинской премии (1993), автор ставших хрестоматийными авангардистских текстов. Новый роман Пригова - повествование, сочетающее картины обыденной жизни и всевозможные фантазмы, обнаруживающиеся в разнообразных местах планеты и в самых различных временах. Оказывается, весь мир вокруг нас густо заселен огромным количеством невообразимых тайных сущностей и существований, которые открываются только благодаря "посреднику", "медиатору" - главному герою романа. Он вынужден вмешиваться в ход древнейших событий, дабы предотвратить крах современного мира. Как всегда, причудливый художественный мир Пригова строится на игре и гротеске, почти этнографической точности реалий и эксперименте....
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Computer Telephony and Wireless Technologies: Future Directions in Communications. Bob Emmerson, David Greetham . Книги.
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