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Mass Customization: The New Frontier in Business Competition B. Joseph Pine
MASS CUSTOMIZATION--the trailblazing book that showed companies how to mass produce and individually customize their products and services--is now available in paperback. New ways of managing, together with new technology, make possible the seeming paradox of providing each customer with the "tailor-made" benefits of the pre-industrial craft system at the low costs of modern mass production. As author Joe Pine makes clear, businesses that learn to embrace mass customization are able to create greater variety and customization in their products and services at competitive prices, or better. This insightful book shows how it's done....
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The Operating Room Aide Mary Virgilio RN CNOR
Aspiring allied healthcare workers learn what it means to be a part of the surgical team. The Operating Room Aide provides information on microbiology, surgical equipment, surgical asepsis, care and safety of the patient, and emergencies in the surgicalenvironment, medical terminology, instruments, and safety in the operating room....
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Algeria Investment and Business Guide International Business Publications, USA
Ultimate guide for conducting investment, export-import activity in the country. Strategic and business information, contacts, regulations and more. Updated annually...
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Technology Integration: Making Critical Choices in a Dynamic World (Management of Innovation and Change Series) Marco Iansiti
How did Microsoft decide which technologies to use when it created Windows 95? According to this groundbreaking new book, technology integration--the process of choosing among a rich palette of technologies in order to make a product work seamlessly and reliably--is a critical element in launching successful new products. The result of a six-year study of more than fifty companies--including major players like Intel, IBM, Microsoft, Netscape, Silicon Graphics, Sun Microsystems, and Toshiba--inthe software and computer industries, this book vividly illustrates the scope and complexity of high-tech new product development and the challenges of translating the knowledge generated by research into real--and competitive--products. It takes readers through the process of technology integration at the managerial and strategic levels; reveals the significant evolution in the structure of research and development in the modern corporation; and uncovers some striking ......
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Coaching for Commitment, Problem-Solving Skills Questionnaire : Interpersonal Strategies for Obtaining Superior Performance from Individuals and Teams Dennis C. Kinlaw
Coaching is for everyone! In this all-new edition of his best-selling package, Dennis Kinlaw gives you the insight you need to improve performance by empowering your colleagues. In today's employee-centered organizations, the opportunities for leadership no longer rest with managers and supervisors alone--everyone needs to be a coach! With Kinlaw's help, you can teach people in all types of organizations to: Build commitment to tasks Encourage successful project completion Enhance job satisfaction . . . and much more!...
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Mass Customization: The New Frontier in Business Competition. B. Joseph Pine . Книги.
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