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Нотариат России И. В. Москаленко, С. И. Карпова
Дашков и Ко. Настоящее учебное пособие разработано в соответствии с программой курса "Нотариат в Российской Федерации". Для студентов и преподавателей юридических вузов и юристов, осуществляющих консультативно-правовую деятельность, нотариусов государственных нотариальных контор и нотариусов, занимающихся частной практикой, а также для широкого круга читателей, интересующихся вопросами, связанными с нотариальной деятельностью....
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Above the Board: How Ethical CEOs Create Honest Corporations Patrizia Porrini, Lorene Hiris, Gina Poncini
In recent years, a string of corporate scandals have sent shockwaves throughout the business world, resulting in the fracture of public trust in corporations. Now more than ever, corporate honesty and integrity are directly connected to success and growth. Above the Board provides strategies and methods to help you build a solid foundation of ethical corporate values into your organization. Inside, you'll find key advice from CEOs who have put corporate ethics at the forefront. The common message is that business ethics should not be viewed as an “add-on” to a company's operations; rather, it must be a key element in an overall strategy for success. “Organizations across a range of industries are faced with the challenge of fostering an ethical environment that goes beyond compliance,” the authors write. “Above all, it is the CEOs who are in a position to set the ethical tone and climate of their organization.” Above the Board offers concrete practices, procedures, and......
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Gabon Diplomatic Handbook (World Business, Investment and Government Library) (World Business, Investment and Government Library) Ibp Usa
Gabon Diplomatic Handbook (World Business, Investment and Government Library)...
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Switzerland Business And Investment Opportunities Yearbook Ibp Usa
Switzerland Business And Investment Opportunities Yearbook...
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Moldova Business and Industrial Directory (World Business and Investment Opportunities Library) (World Business and Investment Opportunities Library) Ibp Usa
Moldova Business and Industrial Directory (World Business and Investment Opportunities Library)...
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Нотариат России. И. В. Москаленко, С. И. Карпова . Книги.
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