Евгений Петросян в стране анекдотов

Евгений Петросян

  Евгений Петросян в стране анекдотов  Евгений Петросян  Гранд, Агентство Гранд, Агентство "Фаир". Этот сборник составлен Е.В.Петросяном. Собрав яркие образцы мудрости народной, он порадовал нас уже не только со сцены, но и как читателей. Здесь же вы встретите комментарии артиста, в которых он пытается осмыслить структуру анекдота, ситуацию его возникновения и восприятия. Приглашаем вас вновь в путешествие по стране анекдотов, "удаляющих из сердца горе, и печаль, утешение для страждущих, бальзам для людей с разбитым сердцем", по стране веселой и здравой мудрости, новую грань которой открыл нам Евгений Ваганович Петросян....

High-Frequency and Microwave Circuit Design

Charles Nelson

  High-Frequency and Microwave Circuit Design  Charles Nelson  CRC.   An integral part of any communications system, high-frequency and microwave design stimulates major progress in the wireless world and continues to serve as a foundation for the commercial wireless products we use every day. The exceptional pace of advancement in developing these systems stipulates that engineers be well versed in multiple areas of electronics engineering. With more illustrations, examples, and worked problems, High-Frequency and Microwave Circuit Design, Second Edition provides engineers with a diverse body of knowledge they can use to meet the needs of this rapidly progressing field. The book details the modulation and demodulation of circuits and relates resonant circuits to practical needs. The author provides a logical progression of material that moves from medium frequencies to microwave frequencies. He introduces rectangular waveguides as high-pass devices and explains conditions under which dielectric breakdown may limit the amount of power that may be...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин CRC. An integral part of any communications system, high-frequency and microwave design stimulates major progress in the wireless world and continues to serve as a foundation for the commercial wireless products we use every day. The exceptional pace of advancement in developing these systems stipulates that engineers be well versed in multiple areas of electronics engineering. With more illustrations, examples, and worked problems, High-Frequency and Microwave Circuit Design, Second Edition provides engineers with a diverse body of knowledge they can use to meet the needs of this rapidly progressing field. The book details the modulation and demodulation of circuits and relates resonant circuits to practical needs. The author provides a logical progression of material that moves from medium frequencies to microwave frequencies. He introduces rectangular waveguides as high-pass devices and explains conditions under which dielectric breakdown may limit the amount of power that may be......

Planets, Stars, and Galaxies: A Visual Encyclopedia of Our Universe

  Planets, Stars, and Galaxies: A Visual Encyclopedia of Our Universe  David Aguilar  David Aguilar  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин David Aguilar...

The Longest Struggle: Animal Advocacy from Pythagoras to Peta

  The Longest Struggle: Animal Advocacy from Pythagoras to Peta  Norm Phelps  Norm Phelps  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Norm Phelps...

Malaysia: A Travel Adventure

Lorien Holland, T. S. Bok

  Malaysia: A Travel Adventure  Lorien Holland, T. S. Bok  Periplus Editions.   Lying just north of the equator, Malaysia is comprised of Peninsular Malaysia and the states of Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo. Periplus Editions. Lying just north of the equator, Malaysia is comprised of Peninsular Malaysia and the states of Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo." Malaysia: A Travel Adventure" presents the many faces and facets of Malaysia through stunning photographs - from the capital of Kuala Lumpur and Penang Island to historic Malacca and culturally rich Kelantan. Malaysia's diverse flora and fauna, colorful festivals and the charm of its people are also captured in this pictorial keepsake....

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Евгений Петросян в стране анекдотов. Евгений Петросян . Книги.

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