The Quickening of America : Rebuilding Our Nation, Remaking Our Lives

Frances Moore Lappe, Paul Martin Du Bois

  The Quickening of America : Rebuilding Our Nation, Remaking Our Lives  Frances Moore Lappe, Paul Martin Du Bois  I highly recommAnd Quickening as an extremely useful and practical guide. It reaffirms that personal and social change are intertwined; that each of us counts; that our lives do make a difference; and that, through involvement and by developing our skills, we can make an even greater difference. --ReverAnd Jesse L. Jackson, president and founder, National Rainbow Coalition An antidote to cynicism . . . an essential 'how-to' manual for anyone interested in translating values into positive results. --Ben Cohen, Ben & Jerry's Exploding the popular myths about public life, power, and self-interest that stop individuals from discovering the rewards of public involvement, this thoughtful resource offers practical advice from ordinary Americans on how to get more involved. Details guidelines anyone can use to master the skills required to be effective in public life.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин I highly recommAnd Quickening as an extremely useful and practical guide. It reaffirms that personal and social change are intertwined; that each of us counts; that our lives do make a difference; and that, through involvement and by developing our skills, we can make an even greater difference. --ReverAnd Jesse L. Jackson, president and founder, National Rainbow Coalition An antidote to cynicism . . . an essential 'how-to' manual for anyone interested in translating values into positive results. --Ben Cohen, Ben & Jerry's Exploding the popular myths about public life, power, and self-interest that stop individuals from discovering the rewards of public involvement, this thoughtful resource offers practical advice from ordinary Americans on how to get more involved. Details guidelines anyone can use to master the skills required to be effective in public life....

Dining Room & Banquet Management

Anthony J. Strianese, Pamela P. Strianese

  Dining Room & Banquet Management  Anthony J. Strianese, Pamela P. Strianese  If you are responsible for the efficient and profitable operation of a dining room or banquet facility, this revised manual is a handy reference and training resource to help you meet your goals. For service training programs in organizations providing banquet and/or dining room services, this is a thorough and clearly presented manual on the finer points of outstanding service, the distinguishing factor toward creating and maintaining a profitable business. The manager who trains his or her staff using this manual and the techniques presented here will provide excellent service to their guests. New diagrams concerning table and station assignments have been added to this new edition. Also included are step-by-step instructions on how to serve a typical meal with an individual server and how to enter orders and close out checks using a MICROS Point of Sale Computer System. Information about reservations, priority seating, and reservations systems has been updated as well. New...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин If you are responsible for the efficient and profitable operation of a dining room or banquet facility, this revised manual is a handy reference and training resource to help you meet your goals. For service training programs in organizations providing banquet and/or dining room services, this is a thorough and clearly presented manual on the finer points of outstanding service, the distinguishing factor toward creating and maintaining a profitable business. The manager who trains his or her staff using this manual and the techniques presented here will provide excellent service to their guests. New diagrams concerning table and station assignments have been added to this new edition. Also included are step-by-step instructions on how to serve a typical meal with an individual server and how to enter orders and close out checks using a MICROS Point of Sale Computer System. Information about reservations, priority seating, and reservations systems has been updated as well. New......

Reaping the Benefits of Mergers and Acquisitions, In Search of the Golden Fleece

David P. Angrisani, Robert L. Goldman

  Reaping the Benefits of Mergers and Acquisitions, In Search of the Golden Fleece  David P. Angrisani, Robert L. Goldman  Will the early years of the new century continue to witness the huge growth in merger and acquisition activity which marked the end of the last? The chances are that they will - witness the value of deals carried out by the top five investment banks in the first quarter of 2001 alone ($456.2 billion). The quest for the golden fleece is alive and well. Will the majority of M&As continue to fail to achieve their potential value? This book is about breaking out of the cycle of grand strategy, great prospects, poor implementation, lost opportunities. The authors believe that it is possible for M&As to realise their value - and more. Bringing home the golden fleece involves more than just setting sail in quest for riches. It's about understanding the destination/end game, and working out the most appropriate route. This book has been written with the practitioner in mind, with the thirteen chapters split into three sections. The first section provides an overview of the merger...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Will the early years of the new century continue to witness the huge growth in merger and acquisition activity which marked the end of the last? The chances are that they will - witness the value of deals carried out by the top five investment banks in the first quarter of 2001 alone ($456.2 billion). The quest for the golden fleece is alive and well. Will the majority of M&As continue to fail to achieve their potential value? This book is about breaking out of the cycle of grand strategy, great prospects, poor implementation, lost opportunities. The authors believe that it is possible for M&As to realise their value - and more. Bringing home the golden fleece involves more than just setting sail in quest for riches. It's about understanding the destination/end game, and working out the most appropriate route. This book has been written with the practitioner in mind, with the thirteen chapters split into three sections. The first section provides an overview of the merger......

Information Systems and Global Diversity

Chrisanthi Avgerou

  Information Systems and Global Diversity  Chrisanthi Avgerou  This book studies the intertwined processes of information systems implementation and organizational change within the current trend of economic globalization. It highlights the significance of local context and points out the institutional forces and the multiple rationalities that influence the implementation and use of information technology in diverse organizational settings.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book studies the intertwined processes of information systems implementation and organizational change within the current trend of economic globalization. It highlights the significance of local context and points out the institutional forces and the multiple rationalities that influence the implementation and use of information technology in diverse organizational settings....

Capital Flows and Financial Crises (Council on Foreign Relations Book)

Miles Kahler

  Capital Flows and Financial Crises (Council on Foreign Relations Book)  Miles Kahler  Capital flows to the developing economies have long displayed a boom-and-bust pattern. Rarely has the cycle turned as abruptly as it did in the 1990s, however: surges in lending were followed by the Mexican peso crisis of 1994-95 and the sudden collapse of currencies in Asia in 1997. This volume maps a new and uncertain financial landscape, one in which volatile private capital flows and fragile banking systems produce sudden reversals of fortune for governments and economies. This environment creates dilemmas for both national policymakers who confront the Capital flows to the developing economies have long displayed a boom-and-bust pattern. Rarely has the cycle turned as abruptly as it did in the 1990s, however: surges in lending were followed by the Mexican peso crisis of 1994-95 and the sudden collapse of currencies in Asia in 1997. This volume maps a new and uncertain financial landscape, one in which volatile private capital flows and fragile banking systems produce sudden reversals of fortune for governments and economies. This environment creates dilemmas for both national policymakers who confront the "mixed blessing" of capital inflows and the international institutions that manage the recurrent crises. The authors--leading economists and political scientists--examine private capital flows andtheir consequences in Latin America, Pacific Asia, and East Europe, placing current cycles of lending in historical perspective. National governments have used a variety of strategies to deal with capital-account instability. The......

<<<  Хвала и слава. В двух томах. Том 1. Ярослав Ивашкевич             Web-дизайн. А. Гончаров >>>

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The Quickening of America : Rebuilding Our Nation, Remaking Our Lives. Frances Moore Lappe, Paul Martin Du Bois . Книги.

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