Discursive Research in Practice: New Approaches to Psychology and Interaction

Editor by Alexa Hepburn, Sally Wiggins

  Discursive Research in Practice: New Approaches to Psychology and Interaction  Editor by Alexa Hepburn, Sally Wiggins  Cambridge University Press.   Over the past few decades new ways of conceiving the relation between people, practices and institutions have been developed, enabling an understanding of human conduct in complex situations that is distinctive from traditional psychological and sociological conceptions. This distinctiveness is derived from a sophisticated analytic approach to social action which combines conversation analysis with the fresh treatment of epistemology, mind, cognition and personality developed in discursive psychology. This text is the first to showcase and promote this new method of discursive research in practice. Featuring contributions from a range of international academics, both pioneers in the field and exciting new researchers, this book illustrates an approach to social science issues that cuts across the traditional disciplinary divisions to provide a rich participant-based understanding of action.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cambridge University Press. Over the past few decades new ways of conceiving the relation between people, practices and institutions have been developed, enabling an understanding of human conduct in complex situations that is distinctive from traditional psychological and sociological conceptions. This distinctiveness is derived from a sophisticated analytic approach to social action which combines conversation analysis with the fresh treatment of epistemology, mind, cognition and personality developed in discursive psychology. This text is the first to showcase and promote this new method of discursive research in practice. Featuring contributions from a range of international academics, both pioneers in the field and exciting new researchers, this book illustrates an approach to social science issues that cuts across the traditional disciplinary divisions to provide a rich participant-based understanding of action....

The Life Principles Study Series: Developing Inner Strength (Life Principles Study)

  The Life Principles Study Series: Developing Inner Strength (Life Principles Study)  Charles F. Stanley  Charles F. Stanley  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Charles F. Stanley...

The Encyclopedic Sourcebook of Satanism

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The Garden Designer: The Royal Horticultural Society

Robin Williams

  The Garden Designer: The Royal Horticultural Society  Robin Williams  Frances Lincoln.   In this fully revised edition of a classic design and style sourcebook Robin Williams shows you how to make beautiful gardens in which every element fits harmoniously into a whole.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Frances Lincoln. In this fully revised edition of a classic design and style sourcebook Robin Williams shows you how to make beautiful gardens in which every element fits harmoniously into a whole....

Painting Acrylic Flowers A to Z

Lexi Sundell

  Painting Acrylic Flowers A to Z  Lexi Sundell  North Light Books.   Flowers continue to be one of the most popular subjects among North Light readers, especially the beginner/intermediate reader. Acrylic is the only medium that is gaining floor space in the art stores--perfect for readers looking to work with acrylic paints in a more traditional approach. This lovely book is an indispensable guide for acrylic flower artists, revealing how to paint 50 of the most popular floral subjects, from agapanthus to zinnia, with plant-specific instructions for capturing the unique beauty of each species. All the techniques are clearly explained and demonstrated, from analyzing the shape and structure of the flowers to mixing and blending rich, luminous colors, laying washes, creating textured effects and adding highlights. Each featured flower includes information about its distinguishing characteristics, detailed step-by-step instructions, a complete color palette, mini demonstrations showing special techniques, and a stunning...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин North Light Books. Flowers continue to be one of the most popular subjects among North Light readers, especially the beginner/intermediate reader. Acrylic is the only medium that is gaining floor space in the art stores--perfect for readers looking to work with acrylic paints in a more traditional approach. This lovely book is an indispensable guide for acrylic flower artists, revealing how to paint 50 of the most popular floral subjects, from agapanthus to zinnia, with plant-specific instructions for capturing the unique beauty of each species. All the techniques are clearly explained and demonstrated, from analyzing the shape and structure of the flowers to mixing and blending rich, luminous colors, laying washes, creating textured effects and adding highlights. Each featured flower includes information about its distinguishing characteristics, detailed step-by-step instructions, a complete color palette, mini demonstrations showing special techniques, and a stunning......

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Discursive Research in Practice: New Approaches to Psychology and Interaction. Editor by Alexa Hepburn, Sally Wiggins . Книги.

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