How to Get into Advertising

Andrea Neidle

  How to Get into Advertising  Andrea Neidle  How to Get Into Advertising is the essential guide for anyone considering a career in advertising, media or marketing. The book is packed with information on jobs in account management, planning, media, copywriting, art direction, sales promotion and TV production, and is written in a readable and entertaining style.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин How to Get Into Advertising is the essential guide for anyone considering a career in advertising, media or marketing. The book is packed with information on jobs in account management, planning, media, copywriting, art direction, sales promotion and TV production, and is written in a readable and entertaining style....

Power of Ultimate Six Sigma(r), The: Keki Bhote's Proven System for Moving Beyond Quality Excellence to Total

Keki R. Bhote, Keki Bhote

  Power of Ultimate Six Sigma(r), The: Keki Bhote's Proven System for Moving Beyond Quality Excellence to Total  Keki R. Bhote, Keki Bhote  Developed by Motorola and popularized by Jack Welch and GE, Six Sigma remains today's hottest program for Developed by Motorola and popularized by Jack Welch and GE, Six Sigma remains today's hottest program for "zero defect" quality excellence. Now, Keki Bhote, member of the original Motorola team, presents an undiluted approach, applying his trademarked "Ultimate Six Sigma(r)" method to every business process -- from manufacturing and customer retention to supply chain management and leadership. The book is packed with every technique and metric necessary for a fast, smooth implementation, giving readers everything they need to make their own companies world-class in their industry. In addition, numerous case studies of benchmark companies illustrate the factors that contribute to success. Bhote includes assessment tools designed to help a companygauge its current status and measure future progress. This book is the ultimate guide to the ultimate quality assurance tool....

Opportunities in Architecture Careers

Robert J. Piper, Richard D. Rush

  Opportunities in Architecture Careers  Robert J. Piper, Richard D. Rush  Opportunities in Architecture Careers offers job seekers important information about a variety of careers within the field of architecture. Included is training and education requirements, salary statistics, and professional and Internet resources.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Opportunities in Architecture Careers offers job seekers important information about a variety of careers within the field of architecture. Included is training and education requirements, salary statistics, and professional and Internet resources....

The Choice Modelling Approach to Environmental Evaluation (New Horizons in Environmental Economics series)

Jeff Bennett, Russell Blamey

  The Choice Modelling Approach to Environmental Evaluation (New Horizons in Environmental Economics series)  Jeff Bennett, Russell Blamey  Choice Modelling is a technique that has recently emerged as a means of estimating the demand for environmental goods and the benefits and costs associated with them. The aims of the book are fourfold: ? to introduce the technique in the environmental context ? to demonstrate its use in a range of case studies ? to provide insights into some methodological issues ? to explore the prospects for the technique. The authors contributing to the book show that Choice Modelling offers considerable potential for the evaluation of environmental goods and services. Its flexibility to cope with a wide range of applications is well demonstrated. The technique also presents numerous challenges to practitioners. A number of these are addressed in the book. Informed and innovative, this book will prove indispensable to all scholars, researchers and practitioners in the areas of environmental studies and environmental economics.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Choice Modelling is a technique that has recently emerged as a means of estimating the demand for environmental goods and the benefits and costs associated with them. The aims of the book are fourfold: ? to introduce the technique in the environmental context ? to demonstrate its use in a range of case studies ? to provide insights into some methodological issues ? to explore the prospects for the technique. The authors contributing to the book show that Choice Modelling offers considerable potential for the evaluation of environmental goods and services. Its flexibility to cope with a wide range of applications is well demonstrated. The technique also presents numerous challenges to practitioners. A number of these are addressed in the book. Informed and innovative, this book will prove indispensable to all scholars, researchers and practitioners in the areas of environmental studies and environmental economics....

Building an Information Security Awareness Program

Mark B. Desman

  Building an Information Security Awareness Program  Mark B. Desman  In his latest book, a pre-eminent information security pundit confessed that he was wrong about the solutions to the problem of information security. It's not technology that's the solution, but the human factor-people. But even infosec policies and procedures are insufficient if employees don't know about them, or why they're important, or what can happen to them if they ignore them. The key, of course, is continuous awareness of the problems and the solutions.Building an Information Security Awareness Program addresses these concerns. A reference and self-study guide, it goes step-by-step through the methodology for developing, distributing, and monitoring an information security awareness program. It includes detailed instructions on determining what media to use and where to locate it, and it describes how to efficiently use outside sources to optimize the output of a small staff. The author stresses the importance of security and the entire organizations' role and responsibility...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In his latest book, a pre-eminent information security pundit confessed that he was wrong about the solutions to the problem of information security. It's not technology that's the solution, but the human factor-people. But even infosec policies and procedures are insufficient if employees don't know about them, or why they're important, or what can happen to them if they ignore them. The key, of course, is continuous awareness of the problems and the solutions.Building an Information Security Awareness Program addresses these concerns. A reference and self-study guide, it goes step-by-step through the methodology for developing, distributing, and monitoring an information security awareness program. It includes detailed instructions on determining what media to use and where to locate it, and it describes how to efficiently use outside sources to optimize the output of a small staff. The author stresses the importance of security and the entire organizations' role and responsibility......

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How to Get into Advertising. Andrea Neidle . Книги.

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