Quick Reference to the 2001 FDA Model Food Code

Gary Barnes

  Quick Reference to the 2001 FDA Model Food Code  Gary Barnes  Lightweight and portable, this streamlined, easy-to-use guide presents the Regulatory Chapters 1-8 of the 2001 FDA Model Food Code. It provides practical, science-based guidance and manageable, enforceable provisions for mitigating risk factors known to cause foodborne illness. Reflecting the latest version of The Code (updated December 2001), this book covers management and personnel; food; equipment, utensils, and linens; water, plumbing, and waste; physical facilities; and poisonous or toxic materials. For working Food Safety professionals and use in food service establishments, retail food stores, nursing homes, and childcare centers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Lightweight and portable, this streamlined, easy-to-use guide presents the Regulatory Chapters 1-8 of the 2001 FDA Model Food Code. It provides practical, science-based guidance and manageable, enforceable provisions for mitigating risk factors known to cause foodborne illness. Reflecting the latest version of The Code (updated December 2001), this book covers management and personnel; food; equipment, utensils, and linens; water, plumbing, and waste; physical facilities; and poisonous or toxic materials. For working Food Safety professionals and use in food service establishments, retail food stores, nursing homes, and childcare centers....

Enterprise E-Commerce

Peter Fingar, Harsha Kumar, Tarun Sharma

  Enterprise E-Commerce  Peter Fingar, Harsha Kumar, Tarun Sharma  To compete in the emerging digital economy, Global 2,000 companies will need to change their business models, rethink the way they work and extend their internal business processes out to their suppliers, trading partners and customers.This comprehensiveguide takes a holistic view of business and technology, enabling CEOs, COOs, CTOs, CIOs and project development teams to move boldly into their e-Commerce initiatives. Unique among the many books written about e-Commerce and e-Business, this book takes on the challenges and issues of enterprise-class electronic commerce -- a completely new infrastructure for a whole new way of doing business. It addresses the requirements of large-scale, mission-critical applications where agility, scalability, reliability, extensibility, interoperability and integration with heterogeneous legacy systems are essential. The book teaches, inspires action and shares insight from the authors' pioneering work with Fortune 1000 companies including GE,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин To compete in the emerging digital economy, Global 2,000 companies will need to change their business models, rethink the way they work and extend their internal business processes out to their suppliers, trading partners and customers.This comprehensiveguide takes a holistic view of business and technology, enabling CEOs, COOs, CTOs, CIOs and project development teams to move boldly into their e-Commerce initiatives. Unique among the many books written about e-Commerce and e-Business, this book takes on the challenges and issues of enterprise-class electronic commerce -- a completely new infrastructure for a whole new way of doing business. It addresses the requirements of large-scale, mission-critical applications where agility, scalability, reliability, extensibility, interoperability and integration with heterogeneous legacy systems are essential. The book teaches, inspires action and shares insight from the authors' pioneering work with Fortune 1000 companies including GE,......

Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 QuickTorial

Patricia Murphy

  Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 QuickTorial  Patricia Murphy  With an estimated completion time of 12 hours, this text covers beginning through advanced features of PowerPoint. Lessons contain objectives, instructions, screen illustrations, tips, notes, Internet coverage, chapter summaries, exercises, projects, and SCANS correlations.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With an estimated completion time of 12 hours, this text covers beginning through advanced features of PowerPoint. Lessons contain objectives, instructions, screen illustrations, tips, notes, Internet coverage, chapter summaries, exercises, projects, and SCANS correlations....

Adversity Quotations: Inspirational, Motivational, and Humorous Quotes on PowerPoint

Andrew E. Schwartz

  Adversity Quotations: Inspirational, Motivational, and Humorous Quotes on PowerPoint  Andrew E. Schwartz  Royalty Free - ReadySetPresent (Inspirational Quotes): Keep your audience focused and engaged by using our carefully selected collection of thoughtful, witty and humorous quotes. Use in a presentation with an LCD projector, make handouts, and create overheads. This topic includes 25 quotes, slide transitions, clipart and animation. It is a must-have supplement for anyone interested in presenting on these or related topics. Packaged on 3.5 Royalty Free - ReadySetPresent (Inspirational Quotes): Keep your audience focused and engaged by using our carefully selected collection of thoughtful, witty and humorous quotes. Use in a presentation with an LCD projector, make handouts, and create overheads. This topic includes 25 quotes, slide transitions, clipart and animation. It is a must-have supplement for anyone interested in presenting on these or related topics. Packaged on 3.5" floppy disk/s. PC compatible. You may use this product over and over again....

Мифы, предания и сказки фиджийцев

  Мифы, предания и сказки фиджийцев  Главная редакция восточной литературы издательства Главная редакция восточной литературы издательства "Наука". Сказки и мифы народов Востока. Мифы, предания и сказки фиджийцев. Широкая публикация повествовательного фольклора автохтонного населения острова Фиджи. Сопровождается вступительной статей и примечаниями. Рассчитана на взрослого читателя....

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Quick Reference to the 2001 FDA Model Food Code. Gary Barnes . Книги.

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