Научите меня жить

Дональд Уолтерс

  Научите меня жить  Дональд Уолтерс  София.   Чему и как учить детей, чтоб вооружить их всем необходимым для полноценной и счастливой жизни в реальном мире? Верность себе и умение понимать других, находчивость и открытость, способность достойно встретить любой вызов жизни - увы, школьные программы не предусматривают таких София. Чему и как учить детей, чтоб вооружить их всем необходимым для полноценной и счастливой жизни в реальном мире? Верность себе и умение понимать других, находчивость и открытость, способность достойно встретить любой вызов жизни - увы, школьные программы не предусматривают таких "предметов". Книга Дональда Уолтерса не только полна мудрых идей, но и на редкость практична: она рассказывает, как научить детей необходимым для жизни навыкам. Ее автор - отнюдь не теоретик: тридцать лет назад он создал систему школ "Ананда", которая стала воплощением и практической проверкой изложенных здесь методов....

Development in Financial Reporting by Multinationals (New Library of International Accounting)

Clare B. Roberts

  Development in Financial Reporting by Multinationals (New Library of International Accounting)  Clare B. Roberts  This volume is concerned with financial reporting issues resulting from the growth and spread of multinational corporations. The book consists of up-to-date readings from a broad range of international journals which look at, and evaluate, the financial accounting techniques adopted in different parts of the world for dealing with issues such as segment recording, disclosure standards, financial reporting and stock markets. The final part deals with the reporting practices of individual companies over time. This insightful volume will be of value to researchers and practitioners alike.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This volume is concerned with financial reporting issues resulting from the growth and spread of multinational corporations. The book consists of up-to-date readings from a broad range of international journals which look at, and evaluate, the financial accounting techniques adopted in different parts of the world for dealing with issues such as segment recording, disclosure standards, financial reporting and stock markets. The final part deals with the reporting practices of individual companies over time. This insightful volume will be of value to researchers and practitioners alike....

The Everything New Nurse Book: Gain Confidence, Manage Your Schedule, And Deal With the Unexpected (Everything: School and Careers)

Kathy Quan

  The Everything New Nurse Book: Gain Confidence, Manage Your Schedule, And Deal With the Unexpected (Everything: School and Careers)  Kathy Quan  Congratulations! As a new nurse, you're entering one of the most challenging and rewarding fields! Still, you may feel a little nervous about stepping into the brave new world of medical facilities. How can you learn the ropes quickly? How will you handle the stressful situations that are par for the course in this profession? How can you adjust? How do you firmly establish your place among the doctors? The Everything New Nurse Book addresses all this and more. Covering the nation's top ten types of nursing, this comprehensive handbook concentrates on the issues that new nurses face every day on the job-from dealing with patients to juggling multiple responsibilities. Highlights include how to: Balance a hectic new schedule (for work AND sleep!) Deal with the doctors' Old Boy Network Avoid illness yourself Continue your education while working at the same time Cope with the death of patients Written by Kathy Quan, a registered nurse with...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Congratulations! As a new nurse, you're entering one of the most challenging and rewarding fields! Still, you may feel a little nervous about stepping into the brave new world of medical facilities. How can you learn the ropes quickly? How will you handle the stressful situations that are par for the course in this profession? How can you adjust? How do you firmly establish your place among the doctors? The Everything New Nurse Book addresses all this and more. Covering the nation's top ten types of nursing, this comprehensive handbook concentrates on the issues that new nurses face every day on the job-from dealing with patients to juggling multiple responsibilities. Highlights include how to: Balance a hectic new schedule (for work AND sleep!) Deal with the doctors' Old Boy Network Avoid illness yourself Continue your education while working at the same time Cope with the death of patients Written by Kathy Quan, a registered nurse with......

Babylon and Beyond: The Economics of Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Globalist and Radical Green Movements

  Babylon and Beyond: The Economics of Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Globalist and Radical Green Movements  Derek Wall  Derek Wall  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Derek Wall...

Cooling Towers

Bernd Becher, Hilla Becher

  Cooling Towers  Bernd Becher, Hilla Becher  Bernd and Hilla Becher's photography can be considered conceptual art, typological study, and topological documentation. Their work can be linked to the Neue Sachlichkeit movement of the 1920s and to such masters of German photography as Karl Blossfeldt, August Sander, and Albert Renger-Patzsch. Their photographs documenting the architecture of industrial structures, taken over the course of forty years, make up the most important body of work to be found in independent objective photography. This volume adds cooling towers to a list of photographic projects that includes book-length studies of water towers, blast furnaces, gas tanks, mineheads, and frame houses. Since the end of the nineteenth century, cooling towers have formed a striking part of electricity and steel works. The first cooling towers were wood-clad structures at coal mines; more recent examples are the steel or concrete constructions seen at nuclear power stations. The simplicity of these forms and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Bernd and Hilla Becher's photography can be considered conceptual art, typological study, and topological documentation. Their work can be linked to the Neue Sachlichkeit movement of the 1920s and to such masters of German photography as Karl Blossfeldt, August Sander, and Albert Renger-Patzsch. Their photographs documenting the architecture of industrial structures, taken over the course of forty years, make up the most important body of work to be found in independent objective photography. This volume adds cooling towers to a list of photographic projects that includes book-length studies of water towers, blast furnaces, gas tanks, mineheads, and frame houses. Since the end of the nineteenth century, cooling towers have formed a striking part of electricity and steel works. The first cooling towers were wood-clad structures at coal mines; more recent examples are the steel or concrete constructions seen at nuclear power stations. The simplicity of these forms and......

<<<  На изломах. Александр Солженицын             Строительство и архитектура Ленинграда. 1979 год, выпуски ... >>>

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Научите меня жить. Дональд Уолтерс . Книги.

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