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Доберманы XXI века
ЖУК. Вторая книга адресована всем поклонникам породы доберман. Успех первого каталога показал необходимость создания следующей книги. Издание "Доберманы XXI века", выпушенное в 2005 году, стало популярным не только среди российских любителей доберманов, но и с большим интересом было встречено за рубежом. Во второй книге собрана информация о ярких, уже известных представителях породы, а также представлено молодое поколение. Это издание будет интересно как опытным, так и начинающим заводчикам доберманов. Те, кому предстоит выбрать щенка, найдут на страницах книги информацию о ведущих питомниках, и, возможно, уже в следующем каталоге их питомец займет достойное место....
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The Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor: Level 2 Peter Kipling
"Bestseller Readers" are illustrated, simplified readers that can be read in class or at home and have been carefully graded in terms of vocabulary, syntax, grammar and thematic content to meet the needs of students at each level. The books have been designed in such a way that students will be happy to read them because there are no signs of comprehension questions, exercises, etc. Instead, there is a simple glossary at the back of each book with an explanation in English of those words that may cause problems for some students and a separate activity book that provides students with an interesting way to understand and revise the story they are reading....
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Vaccine: The Controversial Story of Medicine's Greatest Lifesaver Arthur Allen
W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.. When President George W.Bush bared his arm and received a smallpox vaccination in December 2002, it wasn't about personal health. This was a message to the nation, as our troops prepared to invade Iraq, that we needed to prepare for biological retaliation. Such a political use of vaccination was nothing new, however, as this groundbreaking history makes clear. Political and cultural intrigue have often accompanied vaccination during the three centuries it has been systematically used to prevent infectious diseases - from Cotton Mather's divisive introduction of smallpox inoculation in colonial Boston to the 9,000 lawsuits recently filed by parents convinced that vaccines caused their children's autism. "Vaccine" juxtaposes the stories of brilliant scientists with industry's struggle to produce safe, effective, and profitable vaccines. It focuses on the role of military and medical authority in the introduction of vaccines and looks at why some parents have resisted this......
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Pediatric Dermatology: Requisites in Dermatology Howard B. Pride, Albert C. Yan, Andrea L. Zaenglein
This title in the Requisites in Dermatology series is the perfect resource for quick reference and rapid review in pediatric dermatology. It succinctly presents all of the most essential clinical and foundational knowledge you need for certification, recertification, or practice. An extremely user-friendly full-color format, replete with full-color clinical photographs and other pertinent illustrations, makes it easy to locate and read up on any topic. Plus, full-text online access lets you consult the book from any computer, download all of the images, watch online lectures, and more.Expert discussions and abundant full-color photographs guide you through the diagnosis and management of all of the most important and commonly seen pediatric skin conditions.A highly user-friendly full-color format and a consistent chapter template guide you effortlessly through all the information you need to know about any topic.Key Points call attention to the most important "takeaways" in each......
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Nurse to Nurse: Palliative Care (Nurse to Nurse) Margaret L. Campbell
A unique "mentor in a pocket" handbook covering the most emotionally-trying experience nurses face From a world recognized expert on care for the dying, comes the first pocket-sized reference for generalist nurses on palliative care. This handy, portable reference assists nursing in dealing with one of the most emotionally trying situations they face in clinical practice. Part of McGraw-Hill's Nurse to Nurse series, this title includes PDA download of the entire text, vignettes, nursing alerts that provide just-in-time information on complex or particularly important aspects of patient care, and clinical pearls which provide the benefit of other nurses' valuable experience in dealing with end-of-life care. Coated flex-binding repels stains. The new Nurse to Nurse series is specifically designed to simulate the teaching experience nurses learn best from: trusted mentors carefully explaining what they must do in specific clinical situtions. Written in a consistent, single-author......
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На главную
Доберманы XXI века. . Книги.
Шахты, Астрахань, Рыбинск, Улан-Удэ, Улан-Удэ, Димитровград, Братск, Вологда, Майкоп, Тула, Тула, Ульяновск, Сочи, Сочи, Пенза, Ковров, Сочи, Северск, Камышин, Абакан, Благовещенск, Киров,
Предпринимательство| Средние века (XV - XVII века)| Водный транспорт. Судостроение| Альманахи, журналы, сборники| Сметы и расценки в строительстве| Оперетты| Релаксация| Лучшие боевики| Водный транспорт. Судостроение| Афоризмы и анекдоты| Архитектура, искусство, религия| Домоводство. Рукоделие| Компьютерная и сетевая безопасность. Защита информации| Современные профессии. Справочники для поступающих в ВУЗы| Дизайн| Мистические боевики| Деловая пресса| Программы о туризме, путешествиях| Справочная литература по строительству| Банковское дело| Путешествия. Хобби. Фото. Спорт| Шпионские боевики| Энциклопедические словари| Зарубежная фантастика| Психология в бизнесе. Деловое общение и этикет| Страноведение. США| Авантюрные приключения| Химические науки| Электросвязь, электроакустика, радиосвязь| Классическая и инструментальная музыка| Кодексы, законы и комментарии| Страноведение. США| Исторические приключения| Батально-исторические фильмы| Искусствоведение. История искусств| Фильмы на иностранных языках| Итальянский язык| Литературоведение. Фольклор| Кантри| Мистические фильмы|
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