Guillain-Barre Syndrome: From Diagnosis to Recovery (American Academy of Neurology)

Gareth John Parry, Joel S. Steinberg

  Guillain-Barre Syndrome: From Diagnosis to Recovery (American Academy of Neurology)  Gareth John Parry, Joel S. Steinberg  Guillain-BarrA© Syndrome causes the body's immune system to attack the peripheral nervous system, producing feelings of tingling and weakness that increase in intensity until the patient is almost totally paralyzed. Claiming thousands of new victims each year, GBS can strike anyone at any age, regardless of gender or ethnicity. Fortunately, most patients have a good recovery, but the pathway to this goal can be slow and frightening. Written by two experts in the field — one a GBS survivor himself — Guillain-BarrA© Syndrome addresses all aspects of the condition, including initial symptoms, diagnostic evaluation and criteria, general and illness-specific treatments, and typical outcomes. The book covers a wide range of issues, including pain without injury and other abnormal sensations unique to GBS; the rehabilitation process; workplace adjustment with incomplete recovery; sexual dysfunction; guidelines for caregivers; and much more. Written in laymen’s...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Guillain-BarrA© Syndrome causes the body's immune system to attack the peripheral nervous system, producing feelings of tingling and weakness that increase in intensity until the patient is almost totally paralyzed. Claiming thousands of new victims each year, GBS can strike anyone at any age, regardless of gender or ethnicity. Fortunately, most patients have a good recovery, but the pathway to this goal can be slow and frightening. Written by two experts in the field — one a GBS survivor himself — Guillain-BarrA© Syndrome addresses all aspects of the condition, including initial symptoms, diagnostic evaluation and criteria, general and illness-specific treatments, and typical outcomes. The book covers a wide range of issues, including pain without injury and other abnormal sensations unique to GBS; the rehabilitation process; workplace adjustment with incomplete recovery; sexual dysfunction; guidelines for caregivers; and much more. Written in laymen’s......

Migra Mouse: Political Cartoons on Immigration

  Migra Mouse: Political Cartoons on Immigration  Through humorous and poignant stories based on the author's childhood as the son of Mexicans living on the United States/Mexico border, Leave it to Beaner explores themes of immigration, biculturalism and the inevitable reverse-assimilation of America. Along with side-stops detailing the history of Chicanos, Mexican-Americans, Mexicanos, Latinos, Hispanics, the border, Mexican -wrestling, La Migra, mass deportations and mucho mucho mas, Leave it to Beaner promises to entertain and maybe make you think. Lalo Alcaraz is a Los Angeles-based political artist who has drawn editorial cartoons for the L.A. Weekly since 1992. He is the creator of the first nationally syndicated Latino-themed daily comic strip, Through humorous and poignant stories based on the author's childhood as the son of Mexicans living on the United States/Mexico border, Leave it to Beaner explores themes of immigration, biculturalism and the inevitable reverse-assimilation of America. Along with side-stops detailing the history of Chicanos, Mexican-Americans, Mexicanos, Latinos, Hispanics, the border, Mexican -wrestling, La Migra, mass deportations and mucho mucho mas, Leave it to Beaner promises to entertain and maybe make you think. Lalo Alcaraz is a Los Angeles-based political artist who has drawn editorial cartoons for the L.A. Weekly since 1992. He is the creator of the first nationally syndicated Latino-themed daily comic strip, "La Cucaracha." Alcaraz illustrated Latino USA: A Cartoon History , published in 2000 by Harper Collins....

Vampire Game, Vol. 6


  Vampire Game, Vol. 6  Judal  When the disguised Duzell and Ishtar visit the kingdom of Ci Xeneth and discover an unusual collection of love affairs, plots for war, hidden identities and the inhumane treatment of monsters, they must temporarily put aside their mission to find Phelios. In the mayhem that ensues will Duzell say, When the disguised Duzell and Ishtar visit the kingdom of Ci Xeneth and discover an unusual collection of love affairs, plots for war, hidden identities and the inhumane treatment of monsters, they must temporarily put aside their mission to find Phelios. In the mayhem that ensues will Duzell say, "I do" to Illsaide? Included in this volume is a bonus comic, "The Sun and the Moon," in which we learn about Darres' background....

Большая жизнь хулиганствующего ортодокса

Иосиф Раскин

  Большая жизнь хулиганствующего ортодокса  Иосиф Раскин  Книжный клуб 36.6.   За полтора десятка лет книга Книжный клуб 36.6. За полтора десятка лет книга "Энциклопедия хулиганствующего ортодокса" набрала тираж более миллиона экземпляров. Теперь читатели могут познакомиться с мемуарами ее автора - известного московского книжника, книголюба и книгопродавца, вдохновенного собирателя анекдотов. Человека (как он сам о себе говорит), воспитанного маршами Чернецкого, стихами Исаковского и фильмами Чиаурели. Его автобиография - тоже энциклопедия (жизни самого Иосифа Раскина). В ней автор по-прежнему хулиганствует. И по-прежнему остается веселым ортодоксом....

The Children of Men

P.D. James

  The Children of Men  P.D. James  Told with P. D. James’s trademark suspense, insightful characterization, and riveting storytelling, The Children of Men is a story of a world with no children and no future. The human race has become infertile, and the last generation to be born is now adult. Civilization itself is crumbling as suicide and despair become commonplace. Oxford historian Theodore Faron, apathetic toward a future without a future, spends most of his time reminiscing. Then he is approached by Julian, a bright, attractive woman who wants him to help get her an audience with his cousin, the powerful Warden of England. She and her band of unlikely revolutionaries may just awaken his desire to live . . . and they may also hold the key to survival for the human race.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Told with P. D. James’s trademark suspense, insightful characterization, and riveting storytelling, The Children of Men is a story of a world with no children and no future. The human race has become infertile, and the last generation to be born is now adult. Civilization itself is crumbling as suicide and despair become commonplace. Oxford historian Theodore Faron, apathetic toward a future without a future, spends most of his time reminiscing. Then he is approached by Julian, a bright, attractive woman who wants him to help get her an audience with his cousin, the powerful Warden of England. She and her band of unlikely revolutionaries may just awaken his desire to live . . . and they may also hold the key to survival for the human race....

<<<  Шепот на ветру. Новый код в НЛП. Джон Гриндер, ...             Строительство и архитектура Ленинграда. 1979 год, выпуски ... >>>

На главную

Guillain-Barre Syndrome: From Diagnosis to Recovery (American Academy of Neurology). Gareth John Parry, Joel S. Steinberg . Книги.

Архангельск, Люберцы, Назрань, Стерлитамак, Улан-Удэ, Ухта, Абакан, Томск, Сызрань, Невинномысск, Новотроицк, Новошахтинск,
Сметы и расценки в строительстве| Тесты, ПДД| Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности (ОБЖ)| Языкознание. Филологические науки| Экранизации детской литературы| Альбомы, анкеты, дневнички| Бухучет. Общие вопросы| Видеопрограммы о животных| Мультфильмы для взрослых| Рок-н-ролл| Биржевое дело| Афоризмы, цитаты, притчи| Восточные единоборства| Немецкий| Психологические| Военные фильмы| Хоккей| Искусство. Архитектура. Религия. Традиции.| Религиоведение. История религий| Симуляторы (Simulators)| Исторические и военные боевики| Беременность. Роды| Популярная и нетрадиционная медицина| Парапсихология| Кадровый менеджмент. Планирование, подбор и развитие персонала|
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