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The Nia Guide for Black Women: Choosing Wellness (Nia Guides)
Book Description From NiaOnline.com , the web's leading community site for black women, comes a positive and practical guide to making the right choices in order to foster wellness in every aspect of life, from health and fitness to nutrition to psychic and emotional well-being. It's full of insightful perspectives on the daily challenges black women face when it comes to taking care of themselves-at home or at work, in their families, relationships and office environments. As with every Nia Guide , it offers a plethora of helpful tips, practical suggestions, useful insights and personal stories from other successful black women, developed with the editors and contributors to NiaOnline.com . Sheryl Huggins is the editor in chief of NiaOnline.com . Cheryl Mayberry McKissack is the founder, president and CEO of Nia Enterprises, LLC and NiaOnline.com ....
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Deflation: Determinants, Risks, and Policy Options Taimur Baig
Book DescriptionDeflation can be costly and difficult to anticipate, and concerns of a generalized decline in prices in both industrial and emerging market economies have increased recently. This paper investigates the causes and consequences of deflation, the risk of deflation globally and in individual countries, and policy options. The authors discuss issues related to the measurement, determinants, and costs of deflation and examine previous episodes of deflation. They compute an index of deflationvulnerability, which they apply to the 35 largest industrial and emerging market economies. Finally, the paper offers several policy options for protecting against deflation and for coping with it should it strike....
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Zero Calvin Brian J. Cramer
Book DescriptionCalvin Jones, a computer programmer in his mid-twenties, decides to skip work and meet his girlfriend at the beach instead. However, because of an accident, a trip to the hospital, death, and cryogenic freezing, he never quite makes it there. When Calvin is revived, he finds himself in a utopian society three hundred years in the future. But every society has its peculiarities. This one happens to be governed by an artificial intelligence named Ariel. Using Ariel, this society has been able to identify its stupid, lazy, or otherwise detrimental individuals A?and kill them. The result is a civilization of intelligent, hardworking inhabitantsA?except for Calvin. Will Calvin be able to adapt to hisnew surroundings, or will the learning curve be too steep for him to survive?...
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Beyond Description: Singapore Space Historicity (Architext Series)
Book DescriptionThis book addresses issues of space, historicity, architecture and textuality by focusing on Singapore's singular position in the region and as a global city....
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Jean Prouve : Oeuvre complete / Complete Works, Volume 3: 1944-1954 Peter Sulzer
Book DescriptionNorman Foster and Renzo Piano invoke his name. For many architects he is a landmark - Jean Prouve, creator of the metal curtain wall, pioneer in its application and early initiator of industrialised building techniques. His unfailingability to combine functional engineering achievements with artistic sensitivity commands recognition. The period covered in this latest volume is significant in many respects. The post-war years placed enormous demands on housing and school construction. In his Maxeville factory Prouve developed pre-fabricated housing, facade panelling, light filtering and other systems on a large scale. He was inspired by the works of the automobile and aeronautics industry, developing new applications for aluminium, which he presented in the 1954 Aluminium Centenary Pavilion. Moreover, Prouve's furnitures of this period have become valuable collectors' items, some of which are now being reissued under licence....
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The Nia Guide for Black Women: Choosing Wellness (Nia Guides). . Книги.
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