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Three Billion New Capitalists: The Great Shift of Wealth and Power to the East Clyde Prestowitz
From one of our shrewdest economic trend-spotters, a wake-up call that prosperity is about to shift from the West to the East, and what we can do before it's too late By the beginning of this century it was already commonplace to speak of the U.S. as a "hyperpower," to talk of its military, political, and economic clout as unprecedented in world history, and to assume that American dominance would continue at least throughout our lifetimes. It is conventional wisdom that America will have no serious rivals for at least a generation. But the American position is far more fragile and ephemeral than much of the world believes. Clyde Prestowitz shows the powerful yet barely visible trends that are threatening to end the six-hundred-year run of Western domination of the world. The trends include America's increasingly unsustainable trade deficits; the equally unsustainable (and dangerous) buildup of massive dollar reserves in places like Japan and China; the end of America's......
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Electrical Essentials for Powerline Workers Wayne Van Soelen
This unique text fills the need for a convenient, single-volume reference source on the electrical theory that is the foundation of an electrical utility system. The second edition includes updates to many technical points, describes the equipment and situations that lineworkers deal with daily, and features information on safety. The thorough explanation of theory increases the lineworker?s knowledge of the system being operated and maintained. The material is presented in a chronological order, taking the reader from an overview of power systems through current technology affecting the operation of electrical utilities....
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Innovation and technology of women's intimate apparel
Ladies intimate apparel dominates the intimate apparel market, encouraging much research in the area. More complex than men's apparel in terms of research and technology, the knowledge developed can easily be transferred to men's intimate apparel where appropriate. Innovation and Technology of Women's Intimate Apparel is the first monograph in the world to offer a thorough review and critical appreciation of the technological and innovative developments of ladies' intimate apparel. It describes the principles and scientific understanding of size, materials, pattern, fit, comfort, and health considerations to achieve the functional and technical design of various types of lingerie....
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Understanding and Using English Grammar, Third Edition Betty Schrampfer Azar
Pearson Education. The classic text for intermediate through advanced students provides a clear, visual presentation of grammar in terms easily understandable to students. Grammar explanations teach situationally appropriate English, both formal and colloquial and make distinctions between British and American usage. Each presentation is followed by graded activities that promote speaking, listening, and writing skills. The revised edition features an improved organization, expansion and/or clarification of grammar points, more illustations, and new excersises. It is now available in split editions with accompanying workbooks and teacher's manuals for increased flexibility and ease of use....
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Удар блокируют ударом Сергей Кулаков
Эксмо. Спецназ. Офицеры. Роман Морозов - капитан ГРУ. Обычно начальство его не жалует, поручает заниматься самой тяжелой и опасной работой в провинциальных "дырах". Но на этот раз расщедрилось и откомандировало в Европу - прокатиться во Францию и Польшу да встретиться с нашим агентом, очаровательной Мартой. Словом, Роман настроился весело провести время. Но его ожидания не сбылись. Пустяковая с виду командировка обернулась жестокой бойней, и первый удар Роман принял оттуда, откуда его менее всего можно было ожидать......
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На главную
Three Billion New Capitalists: The Great Shift of Wealth and Power to the East. Clyde Prestowitz . Книги.
Новочеркасск, Копейск, Элиста, Волгодонск, Новосибирск, Железнодорожный, Арзамас, Новочебоксарск, Омск, Батайск, Одинцово, Ноябрьск, НижнийНовгород, Петрозаводск, Санкт-Петербург,
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