The World of Narue 4 (World of Narue)

Tomohiro Marukawa

  The World of Narue 4 (World of Narue)  Tomohiro Marukawa  More zany and exciting adventures of Narue: cute schoolgirl, good student...super-powered android-fighting alien! This time, Narue faces her most challenging test yet...a Karaoke competition!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин More zany and exciting adventures of Narue: cute schoolgirl, good student...super-powered android-fighting alien! This time, Narue faces her most challenging test yet...a Karaoke competition!...

What's Your Story?: Using Stories to Ignite Performance and Be More Successful

  What's Your Story?: Using Stories to Ignite Performance and Be More Successful  Craig Wortmann  Craig Wortmann  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Craig Wortmann...

Slavery And American Economic Development (Walter Lynwood Fleming Lectures in Southern History)

Gavin Wright

  Slavery And American Economic Development (Walter Lynwood Fleming Lectures in Southern History)  Gavin Wright  Through an original analysis of slavery as an economic institution, Gavin Wright presents a fresh look at the economic divergence between North and South in the antebellum era. Wright draws a distinction between slavery as a form of work organization (the aspect that has dominated historical debates) and slavery as a set of property rights. Slaves could be purchased and carried to any location where slavery was legal; they could be assigned to any task regardless of gender or age; the could be punished for disobedience, with no effective recourse to the law; they could be accumulated as a form of wealth; they could be sold or bequeathed. Wright argues that slave-based commerce was central to the eighteenth-century rise of the Atlantic economy, not because slave plantations were superior as a method of organizing production, but because slaves could be put to work on sugar plantations that could not have attracted free labor on economically viable terms. On the mainland, Wright...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Through an original analysis of slavery as an economic institution, Gavin Wright presents a fresh look at the economic divergence between North and South in the antebellum era. Wright draws a distinction between slavery as a form of work organization (the aspect that has dominated historical debates) and slavery as a set of property rights. Slaves could be purchased and carried to any location where slavery was legal; they could be assigned to any task regardless of gender or age; the could be punished for disobedience, with no effective recourse to the law; they could be accumulated as a form of wealth; they could be sold or bequeathed. Wright argues that slave-based commerce was central to the eighteenth-century rise of the Atlantic economy, not because slave plantations were superior as a method of organizing production, but because slaves could be put to work on sugar plantations that could not have attracted free labor on economically viable terms. On the mainland, Wright......

Multinationals and Global Capitalism: From the Nineteenth to the Twenty-first Century

Geoffrey Jones

  Multinationals and Global Capitalism: From the Nineteenth to the Twenty-first Century  Geoffrey Jones  This book provides a unique contribution to contemporary globalization debates by providing an accessible survey of the growth and role of multinational enterprises in the world economy over the last two hundred years. The author shows how entrepreneursbuilt a global economy in the nineteenth century by creating firms that pursued resources and markets across borders. It demonstrates how multinationals shifted strategies as the first global economy disintegrated in the political and economic chaos btween the two world wars, and how they have driven the creation of the contemporary global economy. Many of the issues of the global economy have been encountered in the past. This book shows how entrepreneurs and managers met the political, ethicl, cultural and organizational challenges of operating across national borders at different times and in different environments. The role of multinationals is placed within their wider political and economic context. There are...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book provides a unique contribution to contemporary globalization debates by providing an accessible survey of the growth and role of multinational enterprises in the world economy over the last two hundred years. The author shows how entrepreneursbuilt a global economy in the nineteenth century by creating firms that pursued resources and markets across borders. It demonstrates how multinationals shifted strategies as the first global economy disintegrated in the political and economic chaos btween the two world wars, and how they have driven the creation of the contemporary global economy. Many of the issues of the global economy have been encountered in the past. This book shows how entrepreneurs and managers met the political, ethicl, cultural and organizational challenges of operating across national borders at different times and in different environments. The role of multinationals is placed within their wider political and economic context. There are......

KAZAKHSTAN ENERGY SECTOR HANDBOOK (World Business, Investment and Government Library)


  KAZAKHSTAN ENERGY SECTOR HANDBOOK (World Business, Investment and Government Library)  USA IBP  Strategic and practical information for conducting business. Oil and gas resources, , regulations, investment & business opportunities, contacts  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Strategic and practical information for conducting business. Oil and gas resources, , regulations, investment & business opportunities, contacts...

<<<  Искусство Армении. Нонна Степанян             Английский язык с Р. Л. Стивенсоном. Остров сокровищ / Robert ... >>>

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The World of Narue 4 (World of Narue). Tomohiro Marukawa . Книги.

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