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Программирование алгоритмов обработки данных
БХВ-Петербург. Учебное пособие. Учебное пособие для тех, кто уже приобрел начальные навыки программирования. В качестве базового используется язык Turbo Pascal. Объясняются понятия модульного и объектно-ориентированного программирования, дается представление о различных видах программ, в т. ч. рекурсивных, с возвратами. Рассматривается большое количество алгоритмов сортировки, таких как внутренние - методом подсчета, вставки, методом Шелла, быстрая, методом `пузырька`, выбором пр., и внешние - с помощью слияния, многофазная, каскадная. Приводятся также алгоритмы доступа к данным, и выполняется их анализ. Введенные понятия иллюстрируются на примерах программ. Книга содержит большое количество задач и упражнений для самостоятельной работы....
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Organizational Transformation : Approaches, Strategies, and Theories Amir Levy, Uri Merry
Organizational Transformation is the first book to analyze how organizations make it through difficult periods. Based on case studies drawn from a variety of industries, such as mental hospitals, schools, manufacturing companies, and the American Wildlife Society, this book offers practical advice on development strategies for managers and organization consultants. The book is divided into four sections, the first of which describes in detail the different approaches that have been developed to transformorganizations. The second section describes and compares some of the basic strategies used in transforming organizations. The third provides the reader with a variety of theories and research on the topic, and the final section conceptualizes and integrates these theories....
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The Economics of Industrial Organization William G. Shepherd, Joanna Mehlhop Shepherd
Who controls markets and profits from them? Does competition or monopoly result in a more beneficial economy? How can the economic playing field become fairer or more biased in either direction? The study of industrial organization extends to the core ofthese most important questions of economics. Throughout the field's history, various clashing schools of thought have attempted to sort through these complex issues, examining both abstract theory and real-life cases. The Fifth Edition of this widely used, highly regarded text includes coverage of dramatic changes in the field. Shepherd & Shepherd provide broad, balanced coverage of topics without showing preference to any single point of view, encouraging students to think independently. This emphasis on independent judgment is evident throughout the book, with discussion of structure placed before performance to assist the reader in thinking about causation. Topics are organized for maximum flexibility, with distinct chapters......
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Stability and Change in High-Tech Enterprises: Organisational Practices and Routines Neil Costello
How do firms live through and experience change? The author examines four high-technology firms, providing a rich analysis of their routines, and illustrating how people are continually engaged with change....
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The Team-Building Workshop Vivette Payne
Of all the challenges faced by organizations today, team-building ranks as one of the biggest--and most critical. With organizations increasingly dependent on high-performance teams for virtually every imaginable activity, teamwork has become a major business strategy--and getting teams to work an absolute necessity. THE TEAM-BUILDING WORKSHOP was written specifically to help readers design and lead a two-day team-building workshop that achieves measurable results. Using the six-step team-building process and wealth of ready-to-use training materials, readers will be able to: * Recognize when team building is the right solution * Generate true commitment to team building * Handle resistance to team building * Accurately assess the team's needs * Cure dysfunctional teams, resolve team conflict, and rebuild team trust * Use team building to improve productivity, quality, and customer satisfaction....
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