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Как казаки секретные миссии выполняли Валерий Малеваный
Эксмо, Яуза. Атаман. Казачий роман. Дон - хранитель казачьих воинских традиций и веры России. Именно здесь, в XVIII - начале XIX века живут, воюют, любят, совершают подвиги, раскрывают секреты врага представители славного казачьего рода Вербицких. Это они одними из первых назначаются на секретные операции и штурмуют турецкие крепости, ходят в персидские походы и "прогуливаются" по улицам Парижа, соблазняя и соблазняясь лучшими представительницами слабого пола. Ни ряды басурманские, ни бабьи сердца - никто не устоит перед силушкой молодецкой этих "мушкетеров" Тихого Дона, славных донцов-ратоборцев, преданных вере православной и России-матушке…...
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Work and Pay in 20th Century Britain
From assembly line to call centre, this volume charts the immense transformation of work and pay across the 20th century and provides the first labour focused history of Britain. Written by leading British historians and economists, each chapter stands as a self-contained reading for those who need an overview of the topic, as well as an introduction to and analysis of the controversies among scholars for readers entering or refreshing deeper study. The 20th century was a period of unrivalled change in the British labour market. Technology, social movements, and political action all contributed to an increased standard of living, while also revolutionizing what workers do and how they do it. Covering a range of topics from lifetime work patterns and education to unemployment and the welfare state, this book provides a practical introduction to the evolution of work and pay in 20th century Britain....
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Ultimate Annuals Volume 1 TPB (Ultimate) Mark Millar, Brian K Vaughan, Brian Michael Bendis, Jae Lee, Tom Raney, Mark Brooks, Steve Dillon
The Ultimate Inhumans debut, two lives are forever changed, you'll never guess who's back and everyone guest-stars in the first-ever Ultimate Annuals! In Ultimate Fantastic Four Annual #1, it's the first appearance of the Ultimate Inhumans! From a hidden race, she came to steal the heart of the FF's youngest member: the beautiful elemental called Crystal! In Ultimate X-Men Annual #1, it's the return of Ultimate Juggernaut! Juggie makes a play for the Gem of Cyttorak, the jewel that will make him truly unstoppable. Only two small things stand in his way: Rogue and Gambit, the new prince and princess of thieves! In Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #1, Spidey goes toe-to-toe with some old foes - and winds up with a new girlfriend! Who is she? Let's just say she has a familiar face. And in The Ultimates Annual #1, if you thought The Ultimates were the only team S.H.I.E.L.D. was creating - you were wrong! Get ready for the next wave of super-soldiers designed to protect America's vital......
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A Quilt of Dreams: A Novel Patricia Schonstein
Set in Grahamstown, South Africa, during the 1990s at the height of political unrest and opposition to apartheid, this is the bittersweet story of two people whose lives intertwine without them knowing each other—one a heavy-drinking white man and the other the young daughter of a black activist. Reuben Cohen van Tonder's battle with unresolved grief and his search for hidden peace and Vita Mbuli's innocent resolve to remove the bad luck that has troubled her family for generations climax together in a wondrous resolution of personal and national triumph. In this captivating and heartfelt novel, Patricia Schonstein captures the harsh and brutal realities of South Africa's past with its raw and sore racism, interlacing them with enchantment, tenderness, forgiveness . . . and hope....
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One Hundred Years of Solitude (P.S.) Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Harper Perennial Modern Classics. One Hundred Years of Solitude tells the story of the rise and fall, birth and death of the mythical town of Macondo through the history of the BuendAa family. Inventive, amusing, magnetic, sad, and alive with unforgettable men and women -- brimming with truth, compassion, and a lyrical magic that strikes the soul -- this novel is a masterpiece in the art of fiction....
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