Что наша жизнь?

Игнатов П.

  Что наша жизнь?  Игнатов П.  Из Содержания: Рождение и эволюция Вселенной. Что движет эволюцией. Основные гипотезы появления жизни. Предопределение и эволюция предбиологических систем. Переход от неживой материи к живым системам. Возможности зарождения жизни на других планетах. Индивидуум как потенциальная возможность в эволюции вида. Разум у живых систем. Несколько слов о Разуме как понятии. Изменчивость среды и развитие Разума. Рассудочное поведение. Общественное (коммуникативное) поведение у животных. Коммуникации у животных. Из Содержания: Рождение и эволюция Вселенной. Что движет эволюцией. Основные гипотезы появления жизни. Предопределение и эволюция предбиологических систем. Переход от неживой материи к живым системам. Возможности зарождения жизни на других планетах. Индивидуум как потенциальная возможность в эволюции вида. Разум у живых систем. Несколько слов о Разуме как понятии. Изменчивость среды и развитие Разума. Рассудочное поведение. Общественное (коммуникативное) поведение у животных. Коммуникации у животных. "Разделение труда" в социумах у животных. Двойственная природа человека. Духовное и физическое. Сексуальность, брак и семья. Выбор партнёра. Половой акт. Брак и формирование семьи. Агрессивность и альтруизм. Средства коммуникации и язык. Законодательство и нравственность. Наркомания. Проблемы человеческой культуры. Научно-технический прогресс как фактор развития Разума. Искусственный Разум и др. Автор Петр Евгеньевич Игнатов — доктор биологических наук, профессор, член американского......

Who Controls Teachers Work? : Power and Accountability in Americas Schools

Richard M. Ingersoll

  Who Controls Teachers Work? : Power and Accountability in Americas Schools  Richard M. Ingersoll  Book Description Schools are places of learning but they are also workplaces, and teachers are employees. As such, are teachers more akin to professionals or to factory workers in the amount of control they have over their work? Drawing on large national surveys as well as wide-ranging interviews with high school teachers and administrators, Richard Ingersoll reveals the shortcomings in the two opposing viewpoints that dominate thought on this subject: that schools are too decentralized and lack adequate control and accountability; and that schools are too centralized, giving teachers too little autonomy.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Schools are places of learning but they are also workplaces, and teachers are employees. As such, are teachers more akin to professionals or to factory workers in the amount of control they have over their work? Drawing on large national surveys as well as wide-ranging interviews with high school teachers and administrators, Richard Ingersoll reveals the shortcomings in the two opposing viewpoints that dominate thought on this subject: that schools are too decentralized and lack adequate control and accountability; and that schools are too centralized, giving teachers too little autonomy....

In the Midst of Life: A Hospice Volunteer's Story

Charles Rose

  In the Midst of Life: A Hospice Volunteer's Story  Charles Rose  Book DescriptionWhere does a retired English professor go to find meaning in his later years? Mr. Rose chose to be a hospice volunteer, a journey that took him down the back roads of Lee County, Alabama, into the sometimes gritty home environments of hospice patients. Mr. Rose calls it the Book DescriptionWhere does a retired English professor go to find meaning in his later years? Mr. Rose chose to be a hospice volunteer, a journey that took him down the back roads of Lee County, Alabama, into the sometimes gritty home environments of hospice patients. Mr. Rose calls it the "we of me", that sense of connecting to some larger network of human existence. His memoir captures the patient's simple need to have some one to talk to, listen to, and just be with. Mr. Rose describes the awkwardintimacy of relating to patients, making small talk with their caregivers, while trying to respond to their need for "companioning." In the Midst of Life is a rare and detailed look into the experience of hospice volunteering. --Amanda Graves, former social worker at Capital Hospice and Hospice of D.C....

Corporate Finance, Mergers & Acquisitions 2005 (Blackstone Legal Practice Course Guide)

Scott Slorach, Paul Rylance

  Corporate Finance, Mergers & Acquisitions 2005 (Blackstone Legal Practice Course Guide)  Scott Slorach, Paul Rylance  Oxford University Press.   This guide has been written for students taking electives in corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions on the Legal Practice Course. It offers up to date and authoritative coverage on topics such as regulatory superstructure, corporate governance, securities offerings, acquisitions, joint ventures, management buy-outs, takeovers and corporate creativity. It has been written by both practitioners and teachers of the subject so it has both a practical and academic feel.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Oxford University Press. This guide has been written for students taking electives in corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions on the Legal Practice Course. It offers up to date and authoritative coverage on topics such as regulatory superstructure, corporate governance, securities offerings, acquisitions, joint ventures, management buy-outs, takeovers and corporate creativity. It has been written by both practitioners and teachers of the subject so it has both a practical and academic feel....

Mending Manufacturing: How America Can Manufacture Its Survival

Peggy Smedley

  Mending Manufacturing: How America Can Manufacture Its Survival  Peggy Smedley  Book DescriptionMending Manufacturing is the most comprehensive book to cover all aspects of the crisis in American manufacturing. The author stresses the United States is facing a manufacturing emergency, and unless Washington acts swiftly and decisively, the U.S. could plummet into a second-class industrial power. It reveals the history behind the industry's outsourcing of jobs and production to foreign nations, and questions whether the U.S. can sustain as an economic power without a solid manufacturing base.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionMending Manufacturing is the most comprehensive book to cover all aspects of the crisis in American manufacturing. The author stresses the United States is facing a manufacturing emergency, and unless Washington acts swiftly and decisively, the U.S. could plummet into a second-class industrial power. It reveals the history behind the industry's outsourcing of jobs and production to foreign nations, and questions whether the U.S. can sustain as an economic power without a solid manufacturing base....

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Что наша жизнь?. Игнатов П. . Книги.

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