Jewish Ireland in the Age of Joyce: A Socioeconomic History

Cormac A“. GrA?da

  Jewish Ireland in the Age of Joyce: A Socioeconomic History  Cormac A“. GrA?da  James Joyce's Leopold Bloom--the atheistic Everyman of Ulysses , son of a Hungarian Jewish father and an Irish Protestant mother--may have turned the world's literary eyes on Dublin, but those who look to him for history should think again. He could hardly have been a product of the city's bona fide Jewish community, where intermarriage with outsiders was rare and piety was pronounced. In Jewish Ireland in the Age of Joyce , a leading economic historian tells the real story of how Jewish Ireland--and Dublin's Little Jerusalem in particular--made ends meet from the 1870s, when the first Lithuanian Jewish immigrants landed in Dublin, to the late 1940s, just before the community began its dramatic decline. In 1866--the year Bloom was born--Dublin's Jewish population hardly existed, and on the eve of World War I it numbered barely three thousand. But this small group of people quickly found an economic niche in an era of depression, and developed a surprisingly...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин James Joyce's Leopold Bloom--the atheistic Everyman of Ulysses , son of a Hungarian Jewish father and an Irish Protestant mother--may have turned the world's literary eyes on Dublin, but those who look to him for history should think again. He could hardly have been a product of the city's bona fide Jewish community, where intermarriage with outsiders was rare and piety was pronounced. In Jewish Ireland in the Age of Joyce , a leading economic historian tells the real story of how Jewish Ireland--and Dublin's Little Jerusalem in particular--made ends meet from the 1870s, when the first Lithuanian Jewish immigrants landed in Dublin, to the late 1940s, just before the community began its dramatic decline. In 1866--the year Bloom was born--Dublin's Jewish population hardly existed, and on the eve of World War I it numbered barely three thousand. But this small group of people quickly found an economic niche in an era of depression, and developed a surprisingly......

Business Logistics Management: Theory and Practice

J. J. Vogt, W. J. Pienaar, P. W. C. de Wit, Ulrike Inge Kussing

  Business Logistics Management: Theory and Practice  J. J. Vogt, W. J. Pienaar, P. W. C. de Wit, Ulrike Inge Kussing  This book has twenty chapters covering topics such as supply chain strategies, organization, optimization, performance improvement, customer service, quality and inventory management, e-business, transport and distribution management and global supply chain management. Whereas the concept of logistics used to emphasize transport mechanisms, now it is largely referred to within the context of supply chain management-the co-ordination required to ensure that all components of a product or service are in the place they are required, in the right quantities at the right time. The new edition of Business Logistics Management emphasizes the supply chain management approach, thereby equipping students with the most up-to-date knowledge and set of skills required to practice logistics effectively in a business environment. Moreover, the input of author John Vogt, a consultant in the field has ensured that the material covered in the book is practical and relevant to the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book has twenty chapters covering topics such as supply chain strategies, organization, optimization, performance improvement, customer service, quality and inventory management, e-business, transport and distribution management and global supply chain management. Whereas the concept of logistics used to emphasize transport mechanisms, now it is largely referred to within the context of supply chain management-the co-ordination required to ensure that all components of a product or service are in the place they are required, in the right quantities at the right time. The new edition of Business Logistics Management emphasizes the supply chain management approach, thereby equipping students with the most up-to-date knowledge and set of skills required to practice logistics effectively in a business environment. Moreover, the input of author John Vogt, a consultant in the field has ensured that the material covered in the book is practical and relevant to the......

How to Retire Rich in a Totally Changed World: Why You're Not in Kansas Anymore

Walter Updegrave

  How to Retire Rich in a Totally Changed World: Why You're Not in Kansas Anymore  Walter Updegrave  Whether you are thirty years from retirement or it’s just around the corner, here is the only book you’ll need about how to get it together and plan a safe, secure, and prosperous retirement. Money magazine senior editor Walter Updegrave has crafted a practical, resourceful guide, showing readers how to cut through the clutter, assess their finances, and become their own personal pension manager. How to Retire Rich in a Totally Changed World gives readers the tools to make retirement something everyone can look forward to.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Whether you are thirty years from retirement or it’s just around the corner, here is the only book you’ll need about how to get it together and plan a safe, secure, and prosperous retirement. Money magazine senior editor Walter Updegrave has crafted a practical, resourceful guide, showing readers how to cut through the clutter, assess their finances, and become their own personal pension manager. How to Retire Rich in a Totally Changed World gives readers the tools to make retirement something everyone can look forward to....

Комментарий к Уголовному кодексу Российской Федерации

  Комментарий к Уголовному кодексу Российской Федерации  Норма.   Комментарии Норма. Комментарии "Нормы". Комментарий подготовлен ведущими учеными-юристами и практическими работниками, принимавшими непосредственное участие в разработке нового уголовного законодательства Российской Федерации, а также его последующем обновлении. В книге дан анализ всех действующих статей Кодекса с учетом новейших актов законодательства, материалов правоприменительной и судебной практики. Для судей, работников правоохранительных органов, адвокатов, студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей юридических вузов и факультетов....

Принципы представительного правления

Бернар Манен

  Принципы представительного правления  Бернар Манен  Европейский университет в Санкт-Петербурге.   [Res Rublica].   Эта книга представляет собой исследование, находящееся на стыке теории демократии, политической теории и истории политической мысли. Автор анализирует условия появления и развития представительной демократии и показывает, что ее современная история началась как сознательно выбранная альтернатива республиканскому устройству Древних Афин и итальянских городов эпохи Возрождения. Представительные системы, построенные в результате американской и французской революций, приобрели аристократические формы во многом благодаря их ключевому принципу - выборности власти. Это был сознательный шаг сторонников такой системы, которые имели представление и о более эгалитарном механизме доступа к власти, а именно жеребьевке, использовавшейся в республиканских устройствах. Несмотря на предпочтение Европейский университет в Санкт-Петербурге. [Res Rublica]. Эта книга представляет собой исследование, находящееся на стыке теории демократии, политической теории и истории политической мысли. Автор анализирует условия появления и развития представительной демократии и показывает, что ее современная история началась как сознательно выбранная альтернатива республиканскому устройству Древних Афин и итальянских городов эпохи Возрождения. Представительные системы, построенные в результате американской и французской революций, приобрели аристократические формы во многом благодаря их ключевому принципу - выборности власти. Это был сознательный шаг сторонников такой системы, которые имели представление и о более эгалитарном механизме доступа к власти, а именно жеребьевке, использовавшейся в республиканских устройствах. Несмотря на предпочтение "недемократичной" процедуры выборов, современное представительное правление оставляет пространство для действия других демократических компонентов. Такой баланс между аристократическими и демократическими......

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Jewish Ireland in the Age of Joyce: A Socioeconomic History. Cormac A“. GrA?da . Книги.

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